Easiest way to select multiple grouped objects and change the color?

i have a lot of grouped objects, and i want to change them all to the same color, however, since they are all grouped, would i have to select every object in each group and change the color, or is there an easier way? i do not want to ungroup them all

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The explaination of your problem is a bit odd. You usually should be able to just ungroup and regroup your parts. As for a solution, you can recolor an entire model but it’d probably recolor parts you don’t want to be changed. If you hold Alt while hovering your mouse over a grouped model you can select the individual parts, hold ctrl + alt to select multiple.

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wow! thanks for the Alt trick, i never knew of it.
but sorry for the bad explanation,
i have a lot of separate groups and i want to change the color of all the groups to the same color, is this possible to do all at once, without ungrouping it all to select the parts, since you cant change the color of a group if you just click the group.
sorry if this is hard to understand

You can infact change the color of an entire group at once by selecting the group and just clicking the color option in the model tab at the top of your screen.

tthanks! this seemed really obvious, i always just look at the properties, but can i change the models to a specific color, not roblox’s palette?

oh, and to further this question, is there a way to paste custom textures into each individual part in a group?

I believe not. For that you would have to select all parts inside of a model with shift top and bottom and then go to properties.

You can copy a texture, or even multiple and right click on a part and select “Paste Into”
This also works if you select multiple parts. I believe the textures get pasted into all the selected parts.

is it possible to select into each individual parts when selecting just a group? because i have multiple groups, and i want to paste textures into each individual part when selecting all the groups

I would click the expand arrow in explorer and manually select all of it’s children. Then do that for all of the models you want changed. You could even group the models together and then ungroup the child models. Then you’d have to perform less actions i guess.

there are a lot of models so it would take a while to select all the parts in each group, however, i will probably just group all the models together and select it from there, thanks for the help!

You can click the bottom (or top) part in a model and while you hold shift, click on the part on the opposite side of the list. Then you have automatically selected all parts. No problem :slight_smile:

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