Easily animate instances at ease!

Temmies Instance Animator

have you ever wanted to easily animate your instances like parts and UI at ease? well here, I need opinions on my plugin that I have been creating, and maybe some suggestions!
(ps: this can literally work on any instance you want, it just only works on editable values with tweens)

i plan to add:

  • Looping (thats it so far)

2 SIMPLE Examples:

moving a part:

moving a UI object:


this is a system I added to ease my animating, where you can lock certain properties from changing, heres an example below:

2 COMPLEX examples:

moving a part:


I have spent the past couple of days working on this due to I always found it very inefficient to work on tween animation, and I feel all of the plugins that currently exist to help with that seem to be buggy. (this is my first plugin!)

this will be released soon! I may need to fix bugs first, and I need peoples opinion

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looks pretty useful, can’t wait for a download link to try it out!

Crazy ease of use that this plugin will provide, will it be free?

This looks great!! Can’t wait to try this out, the amount of time this could save is crazy.

If this could chain tweens that’d be a big selling point to me, for now tho im pretty content just using my custom tween function as it’s pretty short