Hello! I recently made a plugin that allows you to EASILY customize characters using humanoid descriptions. With this plugin, you can: Change a character’s bodycolors, accessories, body parts, faces, clothing, scaling, and much more(depends on what Humanoid Descriptions Support.)
Get the plugin: Humanoid Description Tools - Roblox
Plugin in use:
Source Code:
Source Code
local ToolBar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Humanoid Description Tools")
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local Button = ToolBar:CreateButton("Give humanoid a description", "gives the selected character a humanoid description", game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(182343133, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420))
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local Interface = script.Parent.InterfaceGui
Interface.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui")
local ChangeHistoryService = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService")
local ApplyButton = Interface.InterfaceFrame.ApplyButton
local function CheckItems()
local HumanoidDescriptionInstance
local HumanoidInstance
local ItemsSelected = Selection:Get()
for i,v in pairs(ItemsSelected) do
if v:IsA("HumanoidDescription") then
HumanoidDescriptionInstance = v
elseif v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
HumanoidInstance = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if HumanoidInstance ~= nil and HumanoidDescriptionInstance ~= nil then
return HumanoidInstance, HumanoidDescriptionInstance
local function GetItems()
local HumanoidDescriptionInstance
local CharacterInstance
local ItemsSelected = Selection:Get()
for i,v in pairs(ItemsSelected) do
if v:IsA("HumanoidDescription") then
Interface.InterfaceFrame.DescriptionLabel.Text = v.Name
HumanoidDescriptionInstance = v
elseif v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
Interface.InterfaceFrame.CharacterLabel.Text = v.Name
CharacterInstance = v
if HumanoidDescriptionInstance == nil then
Interface.InterfaceFrame.DescriptionLabel.Text = "No Humanoid Description"
if CharacterInstance == nil then
Interface.InterfaceFrame.CharacterLabel.Text = "No Character"
local Humanoid, HumanoidDescription = CheckItems()
if Humanoid ~= nil and HumanoidDescription ~= nil then
ChangeHistoryService:SetWaypoint("Currently Applying Humanoid Description To Character")
ChangeHistoryService:SetWaypoint("Set Humanoid Description To Character")
if Interface.InterfaceFrame.Visible == false then
Interface.InterfaceFrame.Visible = true
Interface.Enabled = true
Interface.InterfaceFrame.Visible = false
How To Use:
How To Use
First of all, you’re going to need to install the plugin using the link above, or here
Second step, go to a studio place file and insert a character by going to the plugins tab and click on Rig Builder
Once you do that, you should see this pop up. After that click on any one of these buttons and they’ll insert a character(which is what we need.)

Third Step, go to the plugins tab and click on the Humanoid Description Tools plugin. And click on it.
Once you clicked on the plugin, a UI like this should pop up
Fourth step, insert a humanoid description into workspace(or anywhere else). This is what we’ll use to customize the character!
Fifth step, Customize the Humanoid description! You can edit the humanoid description by going to the properties tab. In order to add stuff to it you’ll need to get the asset ID of the desired item. You can get this by going to the item, looking at the url. And Copy the numbers. Insert into the humanoid description to what type of item the item was. So for example, if your item was a hat, you’ll need to insert the ID into the HatAccessory Property.
Finally, we’ll need to apply the humanoid description to the character! First select the character. Make sure the character has a humanoid object in it, otherwise the script wont know that it’s a character!
After that, you should see the “No Character” text change to the character’s name:
Next, you’ll need to hold CTRL or SHIFT and select the humanoid description that you inserted. After you do that the “No Humanoid Description” text should change to the humanoid description’s name.
Last but not least, applying the humanoid description to the character. Once ALL of these steps are done, press on the green apply button. As you can see, the character should’ve changed if you did these steps correctly!
Plans for the plugin:
- Add a: “Spawn Character with Humanoid Description” button
- Make Humanoid Description Saves
If you encounter any bugs, issues, or have any feedback/suggestions the feel free to say below!