Easing Efficiency

This is a more open ended on efficiency.

    -- This is in a while true do
	if seat.Throttle == 0 then	-- Ease to standstill
		if math.abs(inputSpeed) > seat.Torque then
			if inputSpeed > seat.Torque then
				inputSpeed = inputSpeed - seat.Torque
				inputSpeed = inputSpeed + seat.Torque
			inputSpeed = 0
	else	-- Increase speed
		inputSpeed = math.clamp(inputSpeed + seat.Torque * seat.Throttle, seat.MaxSpeed * -0.5, seat.MaxSpeed)
	base.BodyVelocity.velocity = base.CFrame.lookVector*inputSpeed

That’s some simple code for speeding/ slowing something down.

I’m happy with setting speed, but when the throttle is idle, I want a more efficient/ less “if statement” way of easing to 0.

There’s always the option of just doing:

inputSpeed = inputSpeed * 0.98

That would ease the number closer to 0 every cycle. The problem is that it’s inconsistent from MANUALLY trying to slow down from top speed/ speed up from reverse.


What I want is there to be very little difference between manually slowing down and speeding up.
Like as follows:


Have you guys found efficient ways to do this?

I believe if you add a drag value it should do what you’re looking for.

Don’t exactly quote me on the details I remember seeing this on a post but you essentially assign a ‘drag’ value and minus it from your power

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How would I make the drag go up from negative numbers, down from positive, but stop around 0?

Here’s a method that uses less if statements but isn’t really more efficient. I don’t think you’ll be able to achieve both.

if math.abs(inputSpeed) > seat.Torque then
	inputSpeed = inputSpeed - math.sign(inputSpeed) * seat.Torque
	inputSpeed = 0

Here’s a single line solution as well.
inputSpeed = inputSpeed * (1-math.min(math.abs(seat.Torque/inputSpeed), 1))


I remember seeing drag from a post and I finally found it

Essentially from one of the replies I got Force = Throttle * Power - Drag * Speed
however I took it out of context because that makes a force ‘constant’ meaning it won’t go over a certain amount.

I was thinking for a while and thought that you could possibly get when the user stops input and grab the current speed of the vehicle with base.Velocity.Magnitude and see the difference between the current speed and 0 so lets say the difference is 25, that is how much you would increase the backwards force by (this is all just theoretical I have not actually tested it)