Eastside Platform | Codeless & Free Custom Discord Bots, Roblox Member Counters, Roblox Group Shout Webhooks

Hi everyone! :wave: I’m Gavin, the Technical Lead at Eastside Platform and I released Eastside Platform just last week.

Eastside Platform offers 3 main products with another one coming very soon:

Custom Discord Bots 🤖

You use an excess amount of bots for your Discord Server. One for Roblox verification, one for moderation, one for fun, and maybe one for logging. It’s tough to remember each command, the purpose of the command, and maybe each individual prefix. With Eastside Bots, we’ll replace all your bots; with one feature-packed custom bot.

It’s easy to create a Custom Bot and you can do it on https://eastsideapp.com right now!

Our custom bots offer a wide variety of features in an all-in-one dashboard where you’re able to enable all types of commands from verifying users in your Discord via their Roblox Account or by playing a guessing game with akinator!

The best part about our Custom Bots is that you’ll never see a message showing that your bot is from Eastside. It allows you to look more professional in front of your community and is your own Discord Bot without learning to code!

We also host our Custom Bots on over 15 global datacenters which you can choose from! We host our entire application on green energy with Google Cloud Platform and use Cloud Firestore for our database.

:us: New York City
:us: Los Angeles
:us: Chicago
:us: Indianapolis
:us: District of Columbia
:us: Columbus
:us: Charlotte
:us: Richmond
:canada: Toronto
:mexico: Mexico City
:uk: Edinburgh
:uk: Newcastle upon Tyne
:uk: Manchester
:uk: London
:netherlands: Netherlands
:de: Frankfurt
:singapore: Singapore
:singapore: Luxembourg
:united_arab_emirates: Dubai

Roblox -> Discord Member Counters 🔗

Our Webhook Platform offers lightning-fast member counters that provide your community with maximum speed and performance. We’re the industry leader in performance member counters that check for new members every 20 seconds and have advanced customization; which will never show that it’s made by Eastside. Just like the rest of Eastside Platform, our Member Counters are 100% free.

So what’s a Discord Member Counter? It’s simply a Discord Webhook that counts new members that join your Roblox group.

Roblox -> Discord Group Shout Webhooks 🔗

Our Webhook Platform is back again offering Group Shout Webhooks, an easy way to post your Roblox Group Shouts to your Discord Server; automatically!

Eastside Platform’s Group Shout Webhooks are easy to customize by design. You’re able to customize the embed color and your group logo; the avatar of the admin who posted the shout; and there’s absolutely no branding!

What’s a Group Shout Webhook? It works the same as our Member Counters and are easy and free to create.

Coming Soon: Roblox Anti-Admin Abuse 🛡️

You should never have to worry about Admin Abuse in your game, or spend hours on end unbanning players. What if there was a way to programmatically stop Admin Abuse inside of your Roblox Game, that’s where Eastside Anti-Abuse comes in.

Our Anti-Admin Abuse Platform is shipping worldwide soon and we’ll provide updates on Eastside Platform and on this post!

Eastside Platform is easy and 100% free and you can get started right now on https://eastsideapp.com!

As always, if you have any questions; I’ll be more than happy to answer those for you. Although, if you encounter any account related issues I recommend you reach the team via the live chat displayed on all pages. :star_struck:

(Head of Technical - Eastside Platform)


Hey there! We’ve just launched an update to our Member Counters and you can now send them as embedded messages.

You can view our full article here.

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Looks nice! Cant wait to use :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Hey so, with is the bot prefix as currently I only have 1 clash command called ping even tho I turned out moderator, and other commands

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Eastside is down

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