I have found out recently that there is a simple inspect element trick you can do on a places settings page. Its pretty easy to use, and convenient in the long run, as you don’t have to open a game on studio, go to asset manager, and click on the place you wanted to edit.
FIRST - Go to your place’s settings page on the creator hub:
THIRD - Click the three dots next to your game’s name and click [Open in Studio]
FOURTH - Check back in your inspect element, and look for something like this, you may need to scroll in the source window to find the element.
FIFTH - Copy the text inside the “src” argument.
SIXTH - Go to your desktop and create a shortcut
SEVENTH - Paste the text into the input bar, and voila! After that, you should be able to customize the shortcut to your needs, like the name and the icon.
This link should work. So you don’t have to do the whole inspect thing, just replace the IDs.