Easy Drop In Loading Screen — Mental Health Awareness


This loading screen serves two main purposes. First, it’s super easy to drop in and have a custom loading screen for your game. Easy to customize too! Second, to spread mental health awareness. You do not have to use it for this purpose but that’s why I made it.

And yes, it respects a users policy!



Mobile, Horizontal

Mobile, Vertical

Easy Setup

rbxm install

  1. Install the
    EasyLoadingScreen.rbxm (10.2 KB)

  2. Load it by going to Model > Model

  3. Put it into ReplicatedFirst

  4. Done!

marketplace install

  1. Grab it here
    a. You can also use the Toolbox in Roblox Studio, search username ImprobableAI and find it there.
  2. Go to Toolbox > Inventory > My Models
  3. Click Easy Drop In Loading Screen, it will insert into Workspace
  4. Drag it into ReplicatedFirst
  5. Done!


Here are a few options to make it your own! To view your changes just drag the LoadingScreen ScreenGui into StarterGui. Don’t forget to put it back under LoadScreenScript after you are done!

  • Change the Game Logo
  • Change the Colors
  • Change the wait()'s depending on how large your game is
  • Change the information inside of the Infographic. Remember that it’s respecting a users Policy, so you’ll want to change the text in LoadScreenScript.
    ** I made this to spread mental health awareness, but you can change it to whatever you like.


If you wish to contribute, feel free to post your changes and improvements below. I may implement them into the model. Credit will always be given.

Having trouble? Feel free to reply or shoot me a DM on the Devforum! I will be happy to help.

Want to see it in action? Check it out here!


Thanks for the good loading screen. But what does mental health have to do with this, or the developer’s game…? It doesn’t really make sense and it takes a lot away from the game. Also, links won’t work in TextLabels if you were going to make that.

Just seems like you put two random things together, to be honest.



I’ve never seen anyone creating a mental health awareness here before lol, but why though???

  1. it has rthro and neoclassic avatars, please put classic avatars to make it more used by the community
  2. You can’t make hyperlinks in roblox, like what @bluebxrrybot mentioned
  3. what does mental health have to do with the loading screen or the creator’s game?


why are people putting hashtag before the text instead of <h1> and then </h1>, it allows anyone to link the thing


Then don’t use it or edit it out. It’s open-sourced.

Because it’s an important topic - not sure why you’re laughing about it. Again, developer’s choice, asking why a UI artist made an aesthetic design choice seems to be a pretty rhetorical question: because they wanted to.

The mental health portion can be edited to read whatever you like. If it affects your players, it’s arguably relevant to your game, even in a small way. And yes, mental health affects a lot of people.


Yes they can add whatever they want, but the question still stands. Why mental health? It’s Roblox. It’s not like 11 year olds are gonna know what that means and start reading about it or calling someone for help??


Most kids dont live under rocks… I’m sure they know what Mental Awareness is since they were at least 8-9 years old.

Roblox is also not only made up of young people.

In addition, you asked the same question someone else did, and that was answered.


It was never answered though? All they said was that they can just edit or remove it out but whatever.


people in the replies are saddening. mental health is important. not only that, this is getting off-topic.


This actually looks pretty good and shines a light on an important topic. I don’t think I will be using it in any of my current games, but it is creative. Thanks for sharing this loading screen with the community!

It looks very cool and it’s an important topic. Very nice looking loading screen.

One thing I would change about this is \/

This may be trademarked. Also the neoclassic avatars don’t really fit and it only shows RHTRO

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Lmao who is this for.
Could you imagine adopt me had this :skull:


my only criticism is the god damn rthro :skull:

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I removed rthro in the loading screen and changed it to a rickroll


  1. That does not make sense. If I hire an UI designer and they’re giving “I just wanted to” as an explanation for changes, I doubt if we’ll have a long collaboration.
  2. This is not about aesthetics, it’s about the content (or rather the type of content). It’s great that they wanted to give attention to mental health, but I don’t think this is the best medium to communicate.