EasyCheck-In | Purchase & Setup Guide


Thank you for buying one of our EasyCheck-In licenses. Now you can enjoy all the perks and get the ultimate experience out of your game! Make sure to read through correctly.


Once you have purchased the license please click on the “OK” Button. Once
doing this your license will be activated immediately and you will get prompted the EasyCheck-In model



1: Once you have purchased both the license and the model go to Roblox Studio and put the model inside the specified game. (GROUP GAMES ONLY)

2: Go into the model and open up the “Configuration” module. Here you will be able to change all settings such as group ID, staff rank, and all kinds of features that’s all explained in the Config Module.

3: Publish the game to a group game, this is needed since EasyCheck-In does not have support for profile game licenses yet. Please make sure that the owner of group must be the same account as on where you purchased the EasyCheck-In license!


With the doors you can put as many door models as you want but please make sure to do this when doing so.

1: Name the door model to "Room"YOURROOMNUMBER. For example: “Room101”. This is required or else there’s a slight chance the Check-In will not function properly.

2: Go inside the door’s model and go into the folder thats named as “Configuration”
In that folder change the “RoomNumber” Value’s to your room number. For example: “101”, “102”, “103”.


That was everything you needed to know on how to setup EasyCheck-In properly. Have an amazing day!

Frequently Asked

QUESTIONS: If nothing is working please try this:

1: Make sure you configured everything correctly
2: Make sure the game where you put EasyCheck-In is published to a group game
3: Make sure that the group’s owner’s account owns an EasyCheck-In license
4: EasyCheck-In automatically disables in Roblox Studio, please test it on a real server


The simple answer is no. We do not offer refunds after you have purchased your license. If you are not satisfied with how the system works you can always suggest changes. If you are having issues with the Check-In you can either join the EasyCheck-In community server or contact ᴄᴏᴅᴇᴅ#0001