EasyEffects Make Your UI Animation Better!


EasyEffects Documentation

  • EasyEffects is a powerful Luau Module that provides an extensive range of tweening functions. These functions facilitate smooth and visually appealing animations for GUI elements by leveraging the TweenService. The module includes optimizations for performance and features advanced effects, making it a versatile tool for creating engaging user interfaces and dynamic visuals.

  • Tween Pooling: Efficiently manages tween objects using a pooling mechanism to improve performance and reduce overhead.

  • Advanced Effects: Includes built-in support for complex visual effects such as gradients, scales, and rotations.

  • Performance Optimizations: Designed to handle multiple tweens simultaneously with optimized performance.

  • Flexible Animation Control: Offers parameters for repeat counts and animation directions.

  • EasyEffects.: Contain with 30+ customizable functions, this module allows you to effortlessly add dynamic effects like fades, scaling, rotation, and color transitions to your GUI elements. Whether you need to create smooth hover effects, dramatic reveals, or lively pulsations, EasyEffects has you covered, making it a must-have tool for enhancing the visual appeal of your game’s interface.

Function Reference
EasyEffects.getTween(guiElement, duration, goal, easingStyle, easingDirection)
  • What this do?: Retrieves a tween from the pool or creates a new one if none are available. This function optimizes performance by reusing tween instances.
  • Parameters:
  • guiElement (Instance): The GUI element to animate.
  • duration (number): The duration of the tween in seconds.
  • goal (table): The goal properties to animate (e.g., { Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) }).
  • easingStyle (Enum.EasingStyle): The easing style for the tween.
  • easingDirection (Enum.EasingDirection): The easing direction for the tween.
  • Returns: Tween object

Description: Returns a tween to the pool for future reuse, improving resource management.

  • Parameters:
    • tween (Tween): The tween object to return to the pool.


EasyEffects.createTween(guiElement, duration, goal, easingStyle, easingDirection, repeatCount, reverseDirection)

Description:* Creates and starts a tween, optionally configuring repeat behavior and direction.

  • Parameters:
    • guiElement (Instance): The GUI element to animate.
    • duration (number): The duration of the tween in seconds.
    • goal (table): The goal properties to animate.
    • easingStyle (Enum.EasingStyle): The easing style for the tween.
    • easingDirection (Enum.EasingDirection): The easing direction for the tween.
    • repeatCount (number | nil): The number of times to repeat the tween. Set to -1 or nil for infinite repeats. Default is 1.
    • reverseDirection (boolean): Whether to reverse the tween direction after completion. Default is false.
  • Returns: Tween object
EasyEffects.gradientTransition(guiElement, startColor, endColor, duration, repeatCount, reverseDirection)

Creates a tween to transition a UIGradient color from startColor to endColor.

  • Parameters:
    • guiElement (Instance): The GUI element containing the UIGradient.
    • startColor (Color3): The starting color of the gradient.
    • endColor (Color3): The ending color of the gradient.
    • duration (number): The duration of the gradient transition in seconds.
    • repeatCount (number | nil): The number of times to repeat the transition. Set to -1 or nil for infinite repeats. Default is 1.
    • reverseDirection (boolean): Whether to reverse the gradient direction after completion. Default is false.
  • Returns: Tween object



local EasyEffects  = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EasyEffects )
local guiElement = script.Parent -- GUI element

-- Create a scale-in tween
EasyEffects .createTween(guiElement, 1, { Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) }, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)

-- Create a color gradient transition
EasyEffects.gradientTransition(guiElement, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 3, true)

  • Pooling: The module uses tween pooling to optimize performance, especially in cases with numerous animations. Ensure that tweens are returned to the pool after completion to maintain efficient resource use.
  • Complex Animations: For complex animations involving multiple properties, ensure that your goal table is correctly structured to avoid performance issues.
local EasyEffects = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EasyEffects)
local guiElement = script.Parent -- Example GUI element

-- Make The Frame raggable

reposition the GUI with smooth, responsive motion. This feature is perfect for creating intuitive, customizable interfaces that players can arrange to their liking, giving your game that polished, professional feel with minimal effort.


Transition Frame

  • Epic Scene Transitions

  • feature—your key to creating cinematic and immersive scene transitions that captivate players’ attention. Whether you’re moving between levels, triggering a cutscene, or simply adding flair to gameplay events, this function delivers a smooth, dynamic transition that fades from one scene to the next with style.

  • With just a few parameters, you can control the duration, delay, and intensity of the transition, creating a seamless experience.


local EasyEffects = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EasyEffects)
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

-- For PlayTransition Must get Player.LocalPlayer

With EasyEffects, you can elevate the atmosphere of your game, ensuring each scene change feels deliberate, impactful, and visually stunning.

EasyEffects: Unleash the power of seamless transitions and stunning visual effects in your game. Whether it’s smooth UI animations or immersive screen transitions, EasyEffects has got you covered. But that’s just the beginning—dive into a world of endless possibilities and discover an array of breathtaking animations waiting to elevate your game to the next level. Start creating magic with EasyEffects :art::sparkles:


Are you gonna use EasyEffects?
  • No I think im not gonna use it

0 voters

interesting first resource ill give it a try

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This is just more complicated tweening, not to mention this is not that optimized

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tbh idk i just made it and the module saved alot of time for tween ui so i decided to make it open source

and i said its my first resources so sorry if it not good enough

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