Hi! Right now i’m using EasyFirstPerson which is a viewmodel tools framework.
The script works completely fine except when i try to weld my gun to the torso which is necessary for animations (using [How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.) ])
Here is an example video.
If anybody could help that would be amazing.
Link to EasyFirstPerson:
[EasyFirstPerson: Drag-and-drop first person view models! ]
February 2, 2024, 7:37am
A viewmodel, if those arms clones to the player’s camera. Why don’t just clone the torso too?
thats not that helpful to be honest
it looks like the gun is being rendered by the server where in the server if is FE it looks like if you look up or down it doenst replicate in server only look like your looking foward but useful stuff i said asides you need to parent the gun to the viewmodel i guess?
February 3, 2024, 2:07am
I’m sorry, do you need the gun rotating with the arms including the server too?
i only need the gun to rotate with the arms but issue is i need to detach the right arm for certain animations