EasyHover - (probably) the easiest way to create "Mouse Hover UIs"

:wave: Hey there!

My name is Crafty and I’ve created this simple to use module.

Here is a video of how it works:

The module includes a theme system but that’s disabled for now due to some bugs.

For now, you can just customize the core UI to make it look different.


This module probably won’t be receiving any updates. Feel free to upload your version of it.

Please note that this module currently only works with singular parts. Model support might get added later on.

EasyHover:Add() - Parts

To create a HoverUI, simply create a script in workspace (or the part) with the following code in it:

local EasyHover = require(game.Workspace.HoverText)

-- example: local ui = HoverModule:Add(part, text to be displayed,image id)
local ui = HoverModule:Add(workspace.RedPart, "RedPart","rbxassetid://0")

print(ui) -- prints "success" if no errors occurred
EasyHover:Add() - Models

To create a HoverUI, simply create a script in workspace (or the nodel) with the following code in it:

local EasyHover = require(game.Workspace.HoverText)

-- example: local ui = HoverModule:Add(model, text to be displayed,image id)
local ui = HoverModule:Add(workspace.Model.Part, "GreenPart","rbxassetid://0")

print(ui) -- prints "success" if no errors occurred

This function can be used to edit the text of an already existing HoverUI

Edit Text
local EasyHover = require(game.Workspace.HoverText)

-- example: local ui = HoverModule:Add(part/model, type (text/img), new value)
local e1 = HoverModule:Edit(workspace.Dummy.HumanoidRootPart, "text", "text2")

print(e1) -- prints "success" if no errors occurred
Edit Image
local EasyHover = require(game.Workspace.HoverText)

-- example: local ui = HoverModule:Add(part/model, type (text/img), new value)
local e1 = HoverModule:Edit(workspace.Dummy.HumanoidRootPart, "img", "rbxassetid://0")

print(e1) -- prints "success" if no errors occurred

There are currently no other functions. Feel free to look at the code and change it. Reply with any questions you might have.

Download the newest version here (Version 1.2)

Older Versions

Version 1

Version 1.1


I suggest offsetting the hover ui to be vertically alligned with the mouse, and also a few pixels to the side of it. You can get information about the mouse size by opening up the image for it in the roblox files.

Also, model support should be very easy to add, you would just detect if the part your pointing to is a descendant of the model. Or if an ancestor of the part your pointing to has a hovertext to it’s name, depending on how your module is built.

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Update 1:

  • Added simple model support

Download update 1 here:

HoverText - Update 1.rbxm (11.1 KB)

I’ve added model support in update 1. Check the last post.

Okay! I still think the hover text should be vertically alligned with the mouse, instead of the top left corner of the frame being right where the mouse is. And also I think EasyHover:Add() should return a controller which you can edit the Text, Image, and Part that the hovertext is attached to, instead of “success”.


Oh wow, I assumed this would be about hovering over elements in a Screen Gui, but I’m pleasantly surprised it’s not! Really cool resource, thanks for sharing.

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I love this! Maybe offset the UI a bit so it isn’t right next to the cursor tho!


Thank you for your suggestions. I’ll try to add that in the next update.

Update 2 - Version 1.2:

  • Added a small offset so that the UI isn’t right next to the cursor (this can be configured in the Settings module)

  • Changed the UI a bit.

  • Added a function to edit the text/image



Download Version 1.2 here:

HoverText v1.2.rbxm (11.9 KB)

Oh and make sure to change these values if you decide to put the module in to ReplicatedStorage or anywhere except workspace:

Script: HoverText > HoverUI > main > Script
Line(s): 9 and 10
Change “workspace” to the place you put the module in

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This also reminds me of a cool module my friend PersonifiedPizza made a little while ago!

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