EasyPoll Module


I have created another module, this module allows you to easily create polls without the hassle of datastore. Through my module you can use various functions to create polls, vote on them, and get their data! Below is documentation for the module! Please reply below to help me make my documentation better!

Take the module here


Name Description
question This is the “Topic” of the poll that you want to be the main part of the poll.
choice This is the “response” to the poll’s question that you can use to vote, and get data on.


Function Parameters Response Example
EasyPoll.CreatePoll(STRING question, ARRAY choice) question is as defined above, while choices are the questions you want. returns the object of the poll. EasyPoll.CreatePoll(“How are you today?”, “Great”, “Good”, “Neutral”, “Not Good”, “Horrible”
EasyPoll.GetPoll(STRING question) question is as defined above. returns the object of the poll. EasyPoll.GetPoll(“How are you today?”)
Poll:Vote(STRING choice) the choice of that question that will be voted on. returns a boolean if the vote was successful Poll:Vote(“Good”)
Polls:GetPollData() No Parameters returns a table of the data, listed below. Polls:GetPollData()
Polls:GetChoices() No Parameters returns a table of only just the responses Polls:GetChoices()


Polls:GetPollData() table:

	["Question"] = "This is the Question",
	["Choices"] = {
		["Choice"] = 7,
		["Choice2"] = 6,
	["TotalChoices"] = 13

Polls:GetChoices() table:

	["Choice"] = 7,
	["Choice2"] = 6,

I’m not sure what else to add to this but let me know if you want anything else. Also let me know what features you want to this!

Update Log
  • 4/20/19 - Fixed bug with creation of a poll automatically setting Total Choices to 20

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