EchoChat - Custom Chat GUI

There is something I must bring to your notice,
First off, a GREAT custom chat. Currently using it in numerous projects

I am using Version 1, but have disabled the chat bubble unfortunately as it doesn’t tag certain words which is done in the chatbox.
I loved the dark chat bubble feature but just can’t help it :confused:
Any solution to this?

I am using version 1 cuz of the great UI and server messages

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I added this to my game and it is so useful! Thank you so much for making this! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I have used EchoChat in my earliest of games. The only reason I don’t now is because it lacks one feature I want the most: chat tags. Please add chat tags. Also, PLEASE add the /disguise command back! It was so much fun playing around with in iChat X.

EDIT: disable ClearOnFocus for the textbox to chat.


I heavily agree with you. I am currently using a different custom chat system (BetterChat) due to not much being to the API of EchoChat.


I Really enjoyed this! my friends loved when i used it in my game!

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Hey everyone, just wanted to inform you all to be aware of someone by the username of ortenaus. They are trying to sell this system as their own, version one of Echo Chat made by Celieleki. I fell for this scam and ended up wasting almost 15k for “ownership rights”. You can find their YouTube video here, trying to claim the system as their own. Their discord tag goes by Shiota#0001. Thanks for reading, and don’t fall for this like I mistakenly did.


I HATE those type of people. That is the reason why I am very paranoid when making assets. It is one of my worst nightmares to have someone claim my work as theirs and sell it.


Exactly, I am totally with you on this one. I’m annoyed I was scammed and don’t want it to happen to anyone else.

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Is there any post that show this Custom Playerlist? really in need.

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@Celieleki Are you making an Player List? really want to see how it looks like! :slight_smile:

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I have this playerlist gui but i haven’t updated it in awhile and not sure if it’s still works


Is there a way to put a “gif” in the CustomAvatar?

There was a way in version 1 but it caused problems so I had to removed it

I should take if there is NO CREDITS. And also there is no update log options. If there was a settings of no credits and update log option, reply to me.

Why would u not want to support the creator by removing the credits? It would seem like you made the custom chat which is technically wrong. The log and seperate credit which shows “Created by Celieleki” points authenticity.

You can’t just demand a version with no credits when it’s FREE. If you want a chat system with no credits either make it yourself or hire someone to make it for you. No one owes you their time especially when they are already providing a free service.


That’s one way to be ungrateful.


This is great, is there any way to move the chat’s location? And maybe make it not fade away?

You can with a patch, just create a ModuleScript inside with the “Patches” folder and use the code

return {DisableHideChat = true}

and then give the ModuleScript and attribute with the name “PatchScript” and the string value “Scripts/MainChatScript”

This didn’t work, but maybe I misunderstood and did something wrong?
I typed “return {DisableHideChat = true}” in the patchscript.