Economy API group transactions not fully listed when paginated

I’ll just get straight to the point, I’m not sure if this is a bug or something that I did wrong, regardless I don’t have access to bug reports anyways so I’m posting this here.

I’m trying to get pending transactions from the economy api (which is undocumented, but it does work for the most part) this is extremely important for the automation I plan on doing. However when I use the cursor to go to the last page, it seems that no data is shown.

I’m just gonna throw the data on here so you have a better understanding of my problem.

Right now there is 140 pending robux on my group (all of it is mine for testing purposes).

If I go to sales you can see that there are 2 pages (10 per page, with 11 transactions total):

When I request to the economy api ( the first page is returned correctly:

  previousPageCursor: null,
  nextPageCursor: 'eyJzdGFydEluZGV4IjoxMCwiZGlzY3JpbWluYXRvciI6Imdyb3VwSWQ6MTIzMjQ0MDYiLCJjb3VudCI6MTB9CjQzYTA1NTY5OGIxMjJiNjAzNTdmYThlNDhmODQyY2M1NmYzZTc0ZjM2OWNkMjVlMGUzY2M3NzMzMjVkM2FmMmY=',
  data: [
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T07:51:15.89Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T04:04:40.96Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T04:03:30.563Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T04:03:16.293Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T04:02:15.923Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T03:34:03.747Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T03:33:43.993Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T03:32:50.147Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T03:27:30.157Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]
      id: 0,
      created: '2021-09-21T03:01:29.55Z',
      isPending: true,
      agent: [Object],
      details: [Object],
      currency: [Object]

In here there are 10 transactions all of which are pending with a next page cursor.

When I make a request to the api again with the same url and add the cursor to get to the next page I get this:

  previousPageCursor: 'eyJzdGFydEluZGV4IjowLCJkaXNjcmltaW5hdG9yIjoiZ3JvdXBJZDoxMjMyNDQwNiIsImNvdW50IjoxMH0KYWNjNjRhYTAwMzk2MjUzZGY1NGVlZjZlN2ZkNDdkNGZjNTMzMGI3ZTdlYTFkNmIxYjFmNDY0MjFmMmUzZWY2NA==',
  nextPageCursor: null,
  data: []

Where there should be a single transaction, there are none. I’m not entirely sure if this is something I’m doing wrong in my request, but for some reason this is the case. And for testing purposes I did try a cursor that doesn’t exist and it errored instead of returning anything so the cursor is right, but the data returned is not. Any assistance would be appreciated, but I really think this may be a bug. Unfortunately I’m not sure because roblox removed the documentation for the economy api for whatever reason (they do this with a ton of their endpoints and it’s really infuriating). Also I know I can request 100 at a time but I am doing 10 for testing purposes to see if pagination works, and good thing I did because it doesn’t seem to.

Edit: I would like to note that the previousPageCursor does in fact work on the second page, I just tested it for clarification. Perhaps transactions pages after 1 just don’t work for whatever reason?

Another edit: I tested this with user transactions and the error does not exist for user transactions. Maybe it’s just my one page that doesn’t work, but that would be incredibly unlikely.