Edge - UiCorner Rounded GUI Plugin

Edge is a free and simple plugin that makes use of UICorner to round GUI objects easily.

What’s the difference between this and Roundify? This uses UICorner constraint and works completely differently, if you want a more performance efficient image, use Roundify that uses 9-slice method.

-Simple to use slider!
-Dynamic initial slider value for different Gui objects
-Auto adds/removes if slider at 0 or more than 0
-Handles automatic Offset to Scale unit conversion for CornerRadius if you are using offset already

Demo Video

Plugin Link



Awesome! It’s gonna improve my UIs a lot! I loved the UI Design. Thanks! :heart:


Why is it offsale?

Fixed it and the link oops 30char

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@ZacBytes Yet another great plugin!

I get confused on UI Corner since i’m not use to using UI Properties but this is just great! Thank you so much for making this!

(Big Fan Of Autoscale :slight_smile: )


Really cool plugin!

An awesome addition would be to provide a toggle for using 9-Slice instead of UICorners. UICorners are very expensive to render and, depending on the application, 9-Slice could be a better candidate.

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This plugin isn’t made to use 9-slice and will not, you can use Roundify for that! :sweat_smile:


I know about Roundify. I just really like being able to have a slider instead of manually entering numbers (Roundify’s UX isn’t the best). Having two plugins also tends to clutter my toolbar and is a hit to my workflow.

It was just a suggestion :slight_smile:

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I’m for sure going to switch to this plug-in from Roundify as I’ve been preferring the UICorner since it’s release. Thanks!

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@ZacBytes Your discord link of invalid by the way

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Why would people use this over just inserting the constraint?


for the convenience of having a slider

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fixed it!


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Edge is an Amazing Plugin.

I just started doing UI’s and thanks to Edge, I was able to easily Roundify my UI with Exact Sizes thanks to the Moveable Bar, The moving bar is super amazing because it saves time from having to type in the number and apply the change in order to see the effect done, With Edge, It applies the changes as you move the bar, which is super useful if you’re trying to save Time.

Here’s the UI as of right now with Rounded Corners, Thanks to Edge.


Theres something wrong inside of the output.

 20:40:30.111 - Stack Begin

 [20:40:30.112 - Script 'cloud_5456016573.Edge', Line 64] 

 20:40:30.113 - Stack End
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will take a look at this and fix jt

Could you make it so we can choose different corners to round?

You can’t currently do that natively with UI corners.

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I know, but I haven’t seen a plugin do it so I was just wondering.

CornerRadius Decreasing on UI Object Select - Help and Feedback / Art Design Support - DevForum | Roblox

Can this issue please be fixed for this plugin?