Edit a Surface GUI with a Screen GUI

Hi, I’m trying to make a screen GUI panel to when you edit the text, it reflects on a scoreboard aka the surface GUI.

Here is my panel:

Basically, I want it to when you enter text, it shows that same text on the scoreboard. So it will hopefully end up looking like this.

Any help would be appreciated.

you could maybe use textbox.changed with a function and apply each time the string is changed to that scoreboard of what the textbox string is maybe, unsure though

So this is what happened

For some reason the text on the scoreboard isnt changing.

This is the localscript inside the screengui.

local parent = script.Parent
local text = script.Parent.Text
local EventName = game.Workspace["EGP Natatorium | NCAA Pool"]["Floors & Walls"].Screen.Event
	EventName.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = text

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Can you show the hierarchy of the SurfaceGui?

also, if you want to make the scoreboard be seen by others, you should try using RemoteEvents to replicate the text to the server.

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Here’s the hierarchy of the scoreboard.

I’m not familiar on how to use Remote Events. I would be down to learn but for right now this is just my main issue.