I uploaded a badge but it doesn’t match the theme of my other badges, and I have another badge that was accidentally 5 pixels smaller radius. I would really love a feature where we can change the image like Dev Products please! :>
This runs into the issue of changing stuff after you award it. A user could proudly have an ‘Ultimate Pwner’ Badge with a mean looking gun and the next day it could be ‘Cuddle Friend Plus’ with the picture of a unicorn…
IMO, the badge system needs some reworking. Why?
[li]A scripting API for when they are rewarded: This would be great to have, just like Player Points have. This will allow us to finally do something on the client when a badge is awarded via the server without the use of communication when its being awarded. (If you understand what I’m saying here)[/li]
[li]Everything else is free, why not badges?: We can now upload GamePasses and Developer Products for free, but we are still stuck paying 100 R$ for something that will make you nomoney in the long run. Meanwhile we are getting money from uploading GamePasses for free[/li]
And yes, I do agree that we should be able to change the image of a badge, but there should be an indication on the badge page saying The image for this badge has been modified