Edit from Version History

Would be a nice feature if we want to check out an older version of a game.


You can use the asset-url with the version parameter to download a specific version.
It’s not as easy… but it does the trick.

No it doesn’t. Editing from version history is supposed to speed up the process of reverting to old versions just to open them up in edit. Messing with URLs to download old assets does not speed up that process.

This would make an amazing Chrome extension

@Seranok @Merely (@Merely1?)

I was thinking of making it. All it needs to do is:

  1. Check if you’re on the revision history page
  2. Go through all the elements, adding an Edit button
  3. Upon click of the edit button, open Studio with the downloaded place file of the version

If there’s no way to set the place id of a level in studio, you would have to manually publish it if you want to revert back.

RobloxStudio(Beta?).exe has a -script parameter, that allows you run a script from the commandline.
Your code could just load the given url, set the placeId and universeId, …
(I think loading works fine, as the script is ran before studio loads an empty place, no Terrain erroring crap)