Edit sizes of NPC's

Normal players have values inside their Humanoid like BodySizeScale, etc. Which can be edited to change the size of the player, however, if you can a Dummy (NPC) in, it doesn’t have those values, which means you can’t change their size. How can this be done??

Just add the instances and name them as such. Make sure they are of the same appropriate type. And Roblox should use those values :wink: You should be able to find documentation on character proportions on the hub that I’m too lazy to go search for.

Edit: You should be able to use your character as an example if you were to play test (blue button) and copy yourself and then paste yourself in studio. (Assuming you have those values in your character)


Problem with this, is changing the values in game does not work

As you can see the value is 0.5, but the character is still it’s normal size

Ahh, yeah I’ve never paid attention to changing the values while the game is in motion. Considering you’re using an NPC tho, why not just re-create the NPC? It should only flicker for a split second.

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Is there anyway around that tho?

Is your proportion objects inside of Humanoid?

Yes they are

Blabber for 30 characters

Granted I’m in studio, its working real time for me.


What am I missing from here then?

I’ve actually confirmed the behavior you said you was experiencing. Currently looking through my character model, and a rig built from the animation editor to see what’s missing and why it isn’t scaling. Because if you copy your character, and use that it scales without a problem.

I used the R15 block dummy from the rig editor, then just copied the children of my characters Humanoid over. Unless there’s stuff inside other parts of my character I am missing?

That’s also what I did and ended up with the same problem as you. I can only assume this is a bug. Could you possibly use a copy of your character, and strip it down?

I do know HumanoidDescription works on NPCs now but only server side. So is it possible to use that on a stripped down model of your character to still achieve the NPCs you want?

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Already tried this before and it was becoming a nightmare. Because of how I have the game coded, the character does not load until after, as my customise screen shows up first, and since it uses a set camera position, having the character spawn screws with my camera setup and was just becoming a nightmare, so figured I’d use NPC’s cause it would be easier.

Just a guess maybe it won’t work because you were attempting to change the value from client?

EDIT: Oops replied to wrong person

Hold up, got it working, I think I misread your answer. I copied my character over to studio and just stripped them back from there :+1:

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Nah, it would change on the client, but not on the server as changes from the client isn’t replicated to the server. Plus in the gif above, I’m actually changing the value on the client. So it’s a matter of roblox not connecting to NPC’s to change the scaling.

I kind of feel like it has something to do with the collection service. Maybe something internally that they set a tag when you spawn the character. Either way something connects to those objects once you spawn a character. And that’s just not happening with NPCs through the Animation Editor.

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Can you explain how I could use this to get this from the server to client then? Since the Dummy model I am using is client based (so you can only see your character)

I reverted my NPC Service to start putting NPCs back on the server. (But now I’m thinking I wanna revert it back to client side NPCs) That aside.

What I was doing was, allowing the client to request an NPC. (My NPC Humanoid is one character, While the NPC Configuration are HumanoidDescriptions). I pass a preset into a remote function, The server generates said NPC and Caches it inside of Replicated Storage. (Say a default Pleb NPC)

When ever you come close to this NPC Entity that the server keeps track of the client clones a copy of said NPC from the cache and renders it out.

You can request the same NPC thousands of times, and the server won’t recreate it since it’s already been cached.