Editable Mesh has a werid pattern i cant get rid of

Im trying to make terrain useing apis and i tried switching to editable mesh but this pattern wont get off it i have checked everything

				local a = Vector3.new((x - 2) * spacing, heightData[y-1][x-1]* intensity, (y - 2) * spacing)
				local b = Vector3.new((x - 1) * spacing, heightData[y-1][x]* intensity, (y - 2) * spacing)
				local c = Vector3.new((x - 2) * spacing, heightData[y][x-1]* intensity, (y - 1) * spacing)
				--draw3dTriangle(a, b, c, sateliteData[y][x])
				local d = Vector3.new((x - 1) * spacing, heightData[y][x]* intensity, (y - 1) * spacing)
				--draw3dTriangle(c, b, d, sateliteData[y][x])
				local A = editableimage:AddVertex(a)
				local B = editableimage:AddVertex(b)
				local C = editableimage:AddVertex(c)
				local D = editableimage:AddVertex(d)
				editableimage:AddTriangle(A, B, C)
				editableimage:AddTriangle(C, B, D)

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There’s a known bug that ignores the MeshPart.TextureID, even without an EditableImage, and fills the texture with the checkerboard texture.

As a temporary workaround, try adding a white EditableImage as a sibling of the EditableMesh to confirm this is the problem you are running into.

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