EditableImage Image Blur Module


i am happy to share a module which blurs images asap!

type QuickBlurImpl = {
	Blur : (self : QuickBlurImpl, Image : EditableImage, Size : number?, Desample : number?) -> EditableImage

function QuickBlur:Blur(Image, Size, Desample)
	-- Arguments
	-- Image : Feed me an EditableImage
	-- Size [OPTIONAL] : How blury the image should be. Large values may take some time to compute, < 8 is good enough
	-- Desample  [OPTIONAL] : Lowers the image resolution for faster processing, doesn't really effect the blur result

on an Intel i5-7300U with default parameters:

QuickBlur:Blur(Image, 4, 6)

it takes:
0.03 seconds for a 512x512 image
0.06 seconds for a 1024x752 image

it’s a bit faster with !native but i’m all out of ideas rn on how to further improve performance

get the module here!


Not bad but I made a similar module to this: Editable Images... what are they?

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I’m going to use this to censor images of cats


Sensitive Content: This post may contain cat content.
See post…


Yes but yours is slow and theirs isn’t


Woops, I did not knew that! Thanks! (Sarcasm)


hi, sorry for the bump but is there any chance there will be a fix for the API change a few months ago? have been waiting for a bit now

please upgrade the module

if you have any more questions, add me on Discord (venv is my handle), i’m moving away from roblox development to godot

as a consequence, i dont check here that often anymore

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