EditableImages are unable to be parented

I’m trying to test using Editable Images, but for some reason I can’t parent them to anything? EditableMeshes dont work either. Even the base test place errors out.
I’ve enabled the beta feature, so I’m not sure why this is happening.

Here is my script

local AS  =game:GetService("AssetService")

local gui = script.Parent
local a = AS:CreateEditableImage({Size = Vector2.new(250,250)})

a.Parent = gui


Stack Begin  -  Studio
Script 'Players.noonekirby.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.LocalScript', Line 6  -  Studio - LocalScript:6
Stack End 

1This is the example place file:

Semi-recently they changed the way EditableImages and EditableMeshes work, they’re no longer actually instances you can parent. You need to use the new Content api to use EditableImages/EditableMeshes

local content = Content.fromObject(a)
gui.ImageContent = content -- Assuming this is an image label.

Here’s the DevForum post about it.

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EditableImages are no longer Instances that have a .Parent property. They now directly inherit from the Object class. This is a major API change that you should be aware of.

To basically answer your question though, using the new ImageContent property of ImageLabel instances, you can set the content of an EditableImage to multiple ImageLabel or other Image Instances.

ImageLabel.ImageContent = Content.fromObject(EditableImage.Content)

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