Hello! I would like to generate 3D perlin noise, using a basic cubic chunk system, that utilizes 3d perlin noise, that uses EditableMesh for geometry.
I have been able to create a basic, 2 dimensional variant of this system:
local ChunksFolder = workspace.Chunks
local worldSize, chunkSize = 8, 64
local seed = math.random(999)
local function generateTerrainNoise(x, y)
return math.noise(x / 64 + seed, y / 64 + seed) * 32
local function generateChunk(cX, cY)
local Mesh = Instance.new("MeshPart")
local EditableMesh = Instance.new("EditableMesh", Mesh)
Mesh.Name = cX .. "," .. cY
Mesh.Anchored = true
Mesh.Size = Vector3.one
Mesh.Position = Vector3.new(cX * chunkSize, 0, cY * chunkSize)
Mesh.Parent = ChunksFolder
local vertices = {}
for y = 0, chunkSize do
for x = 0, chunkSize do
local worldX, worldY = x + cX * chunkSize, y + cY * chunkSize
local height = generateTerrainNoise(worldX, worldY)
local newPos = Vector3.yAxis * height + Vector3.new(x, 0, y)
local vertID = EditableMesh:AddVertex(newPos)
vertices[#vertices + 1] = vertID
for y = 0, chunkSize - 1 do
for x = 0, chunkSize - 1 do
local i1 = y * (chunkSize + 1) + x + 1
local i2 = (y + 1) * (chunkSize + 1) + x + 1
local i3 = y * (chunkSize + 1) + x + 2
local i4 = (y + 1) * (chunkSize + 1) + x + 2
EditableMesh:AddTriangle(vertices[i1], vertices[i2], vertices[i3])
EditableMesh:AddTriangle(vertices[i2], vertices[i4], vertices[i3])
local function generateChunksInSquareRadius(centerX, centerY, radius)
for cX = centerX - radius, centerX + radius do
for cY = centerY - radius, centerY + radius do
generateChunk(cX, cY)
generateChunksInSquareRadius(0, 0, 5)
Problem is, all of the vertex handling was obtained from an outside source, and because I myself have very little knowledge on how to properly generate vertices, and operate with them in general, I haven’t found any success in converting this system to the requested system above.
How could I go about handling vertex placement?