Calling GetAdjacentTriangles with any stable triangle ID only seems to return a table of 0’s. I have included a repro file of this issue with an mesh and the following code:
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local editableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshFromPartAsync(script.Parent)
local triangleIDs = editableMesh:GetTriangles()
for _, triangleID in pairs(triangleIDs) do
Unsure if this is related, but I can’t seem to open another bug report so I will attach it here as well.
I have found some cases where EditableMesh would return an empty list for GetTriangles() but returns vertices fine with GetVertices(). Attached below is a repro file.
I’m having this issue too, though :GetAdjacentVertices() has been working fine for me, hope they get this fixed soon
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local mesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync("rbxassetid://452936006")
mesh.Parent = workspace.MeshPart
print("Adjacent Triangles:")
for i, v in pairs(mesh:GetTriangles()) do
print("Adjacent Vertices:")
for i, v in pairs(mesh:GetVertices()) do