Editing a script in a part with VSCode and Rojo and more I need help with

  • How to reference a script in a part in workspace in VSCode so that it can be edited there?
    I’m confused on how to edit the .json file in VSCode so as to reference a part in the workspace.
    When I tried to follow the pattern I observed with the services referenced, it ended up creating a
    folder named the part I’m trying to reference with the script in there, but I want the script to be in
    the part and no folder created.
    P.S. I know that you should have the majority, if not all, of your scripts in ServerScriptService,
    StarterPlayer, & ReplicatedStorage, but I just thought that knowing how to create directories for
    scripts else would be beneficial just to know

  • How to get Roblox autofill (at least for services and properties) while using VSCode & Rojo?
    This one is minor. I’ll just have the Roblox documentation up while scripting if there aren’t any
    quality ways to do this.

Thanks in advance

if you are not writing 100 modules, then just don’t use rojo with vscode. Rojo was meant to be a tool for developing huge modular systems, not singleton scripts. Also, with the past 2 years, roblox’s script editor has become way more convenient and it even got some autofilling

Thanks for the input, I’ll keep that in mind. My thought process was that if I learn these tools (VSC, Git, GitHub) early on, it would benefit me in the future

It’s not worth it, even for experienced developers. VSC is just a programmer’s text editor in a very literal way. Git Hub is mainly used for teams with a bunch of developers. Git Hub just allows better distribution of the code between the workplaces. Roblox does that already for you and you don’t have to bother about these tools, especially if you make games in solo, especially in roblox

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