Editing Rig based on data then loading it

I am using ProfileService as data.
The data works perfectly and its different for each player.
MY ISSUE: After I finish applying changes to the rig based on the player’s data and loading the player with that rig, every character has the same details.
This is where I’m running the function that Loads the player into the edited rig

Any tips on this issue or help?

Could we see the characterSetUp() function?

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deleted the code cuz yea :#, unlucky

Are there any errors?
Try printing the


to see if every player’s data is actually individual.

Weird, for some reason it now shares the data(I ran on local server 2 players for testing). Back then when I did some tests it worked just fine. If you need me to show the script let me know.

I honestly have never used ProfileService so I cannot be of much help with the problem, sorry.

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FirstLoad usage of profileservice fixed my issue!

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