how can i get the lightning parts in the camera? I want to make a Touched function for the lightning explosion.
is there any way I can delete every single lightning in a module instead of deleting them one by one? (NewBolt:Destroy() only deletes one) @Quasiduck
Awesome Module! Is there a way to have this ‘Track’ a target ?
I’m pretty sure does that already. I have a lightning bolt created where the player is at and have it go in a random direction and the bolt moves with the player. (but both attachments are parented to the players humanoid root part)
Your lightning sounds instant, I suppose that would work in that case.
If the Lightning bolt is a moving projectile though, it does not follow the attachment when it’s moved. (It ends the lightning bolt where the attachment was when the effect began)
Please, make a standard model or rbxm of this for users who don’t understand more complicated processes. For users like me who find Rojo confusing, it adds needless difficulty for installing.
How do I turn it on and off when a player presses a key?
Please! Create sparks&explosion module for the new version, it won’t take much of your time, after months and your module hasn’t changed, so please help us!
For some reason when I’m trying to make an explosion I keep having this error:
Here my client script:
here my server script:
do you mind me asking what the code is for this effect? I would love to have this in a game I’m working on and can’t seem to figure out how to do it.
Sorry for the trouble.
P.S. I’m using the Image Adornment version.
How can I make the lightning bolts look more “pointy”?
Hello, can you update the newest version to support lightning explosions and Sparks? Seems like it’s been a while since you updated this module.
With the part version there is a possible bug / memory leak.
as you can see here when theres lots of bolts being casted at once it can cause them to leave behind lightning. Idk whats causing this or how to fix it. I’ve used this with other games and never had this problem. I am using the same exact script as well so idk whats happening.
Edit / Update: Saw this got popular link so anyone else struggling with this you can write your own fix by just deleting any bolts that stick longer than a few seconds inside of currentcamera using a childadded event.
Thank you for making this awesome module! It will certainly help me with the development of my game.
This module is amazing and is really the backbone of many of my effects. Truly an incredible contribution.
Thanks for this amazing module.
While this works in my game for player’s skills , for npc skills the bolts stacks up and npc’s lightning attacks get bolder and bolder every time. I guess somehow i’m using wrong the module for my npcs. But for players the lightning skill works exactly how i wanted. (i want to create an attack with just 2 bolt)
There is a warning in console like this
And here is the render code for npc’s (pasted only rendering part , the variables you don’t see defined are defined above and related with skill mechanics)
I’m destroying bolts after skill time passed , do i need to do anything else ?
I’m using v1.1 version.
SOLVED : It was my fault , i was not controlling correnctly event scopes and multiple rendering events was stacking up and causing memory leak , and multiple growing lightnings was visual clue of it. (lights was rendering when an animation sends GetMarkerReachedSignal signal , and those events was stacking up because my wrong event controlling )
I’m surprised this isn’t already just an RBXM, or Roblox asset. Did everyone just copy and paste each file from your Github into Roblox?
git cloning and syncing it with rojo
how do u make the third lightning
Where do I even get the module?