Efficiently replicating movement to IKControl (set its target to where the camera is looking) on the server

Hello, as the title says I am wondering if there is any way to replicate the position of where the camera is looking to the server without using remote events so every client sees that IK control movement. I need this information to accurately shoot projectiles

Examples of what I mean (the gray part is where the camera is looking at):

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Animations played on a local player’s character replicate to other clients, but most random bone movement doesn’t. You’ll have to use a remote event. Any reason why you don’t want to?

Those are not animations, it’s from the ik control instance. I don’t want to use the remote because it might exceed the maximum limit of them called very easily (at least its what I’m thinking)

Exactly, since they’re not animations they won’t replicate to the server. Use a remote that sends updates every 0.25 seconds or so. Remote exhaustion is highly unlikely to be a problem, even if you send updates every frame for 50 players. You can find examples of this system on YouTube.

I’ll try that but tbh I doubt it’ll work well with lots of players, thx though

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Coming back to this post months later, i think i have a solution.

You can use a basepart, transparency 1 and cancollide false and canquery false etc etc, and use alignposition where the client has network owner.
Of course, when the client goes idle or something similair that could go wrong but it seems like it’s the most viable solution without using remotes.

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