What do you want to achieve? Hello. I am trying to make a pet hatching system. When you get close to the egg, the pets from the egg are shown and they spin around.
What is the issue? The issue is all of the pets are in the same square and I want all the pets in different squares.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I haven’t found any solutions yet.
for i,v in pairs(Eggs:GetChildren()) do
local eggPets = Pets:FindFirstChild(v.Name)
if eggPets ~= nil then
local billboardTemp = script.Parent.Parent.Template:Clone()
local container = billboardTemp:WaitForChild("Container")
local MainFrame = container:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
local template = MainFrame:WaitForChild("Template")
local display = template:WaitForChild("Display")
billboardTemp.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.EggBilboards
billboardTemp.Name = v.Name
billboardTemp.Adornee = v.EggMesh
billboardTemp.Enabled = true
for _, pet in pairs(eggPets:GetChildren()) do
local clonedTemp = template:Clone()
clonedTemp.Name = pet.Name
clonedTemp.Rarity.Text = tostring(pet.Rarity.Value).."%"
clonedTemp.Visible = true
clonedTemp.Parent = MainFrame
local petModel = Module3D:Attach3D(display,pet:Clone())
petModel.Camera.FieldOfView = 5
petModel.Visible = true
petModel:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(0,tick() % (math.pi * 2),0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,0))
Any help would be greatly appreciated!