Egg circle out of players position

how would I make something similar to how to eggs pop out of where your standing on go perfectly in a circle? not sure how to achieve this! any help would be great! :smiley:

First thing would be to break up your circle into how ever many parts you want. Your video has 8 so let’s go with that.

local segments = 8
local angle = 360 / segments --> 45 of course; 360 is a full circle

Now, since Lua’s math functions work with radians convert the angle to radians.

angle = math.rad(angle)

Now, for each part to be made (segment) we can create a new part and using the angle, we multiply it by which ever iteration (segment) we are on.

We can get the X and Y offsets by doing math.sin(angle) and math.cos(angle) respectively.

for i = 1, segments do
	local targetAngle = angle * i
	local x, y = math.sin(targetAngle), math.cos(targetAngle)

Now, all we have to do is offset the part from the initial part’s position:

	local newPart = part:Clone()
	newPart.Position = part.Position +, 0, y) -- x, 0, y is a vector whose magnitude is 1 (it's a unit vector)
	newPart.Parent = workspace

Right now that spawns a part that is 1 stud from the centre part in a circular direction:

If you want it to be further away you can multiply x and y or the vector by larger numbers

	local x, y = math.sin(targetAngle) * 10, math.cos(targetAngle) * 10
	-- or later in the script when positioning the part,
	newPart.Position = part.Position +, 0, y) * 10

This should scale up/down appropriately depending on how many segments you want.

For example, 100:



Hey, so I was looking at it and its doing this, am I doing something wrong?

local segments = 8

local angle = 360 / segments

local radians = math.rad(angle)

for i = 1, segments do

local targetAngle = angle * i

local x, y = math.sin(targetAngle) * 4, math.cos(targetAngle) * 4

local newPart = part:Clone()

newPart.Position = part.Position +, 0, y)

newPart.Parent = workspace


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This should be radians * i, not angle. My bad.


Ah, Thank you so much for the help and have an amazing day! :slight_smile:

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