Egypt Tomb Build Feedback

Hey! I’ve been working on an Egypt themed tomb, this tomb is not meant to be a 1:1 accurate recreation of what the tombs actually looked like in Egypt before people look to far into it.

All feedback is appreciated, soon I will likely expand the tomb so that is why it’s quite small and compact currently.

Main Hallway:

Chamber of Offerings:

Burial Chamber:

Storage Chambers:


Egyptian pottery meshes: Kristiyan Marinov (@kristiyan) - Sketchfab
Egyptain Cat Meshes: Sobrom - Sketchfab
Seated Man Statue Meshes: pmanuelian - Sketchfab

Tools used:
Roblox Material Generator [ PBR’s altered to have a more desired look ]
Roblox Texture Generator [ PBR’s altered to have a more desired look ]
PBR Editing tool: PBR Generator


This Egyptian Tomb build looks INSANELY GOOD, REALISTIC, AND DETAILED! Awesome job on this build! The graphics and lighting are excellent! How long did it take to build and create this Eyptian Tomb? I rate it 10/10! Will you build more?

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So I’ve been working on this for 3 days non stop, I’m glad you like it.

In terms of if I’m going to build more that’s a pretty likely yes, I want to add some secret passages and other cool little things.

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So I have one thing on my mind is it laggy or? Because everything looks good but most of the time when a lot of things are in one place it becomes SO LAGGY try to make your meshes less laggy it’s hard but i am sure you can do it! (please think of the mobile players)