Either the "moderated" image should be brought back, or there should be a way to tell when images are moderated

Right now, as of posting this, “moderated” player images (in other words, players who have headshots that
look like the image below,



appear as “nothing” when loading the player “headshot” in-game through Roblox’s built-in GetUserThumbnailAsync. Here’s some pictures to show this, with both me, and my alt account and a custom leaderboard I’m working on.


My alt

As you can see from these pictures, there’s a large space that just has nothing in it, which makes the UI just look like it’s broken.

I would like the old “moderated” image to be brought back, or for there to be a solution to let you know if a character image has been moderated.

I don’t know exactly where to put this, as it’s sort of a request for one of 2 solutions (or both). That’s why I’ve put it in Scripting Support, because I need support with a way to actually tell when an image is moderated (which would be done through a script)

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You can set the image to a default profile/character to prevent large gaps from happening.

I don’t know what you mean by “default”, but one problem I didn’t mention is that this “moderated” space (where there’s nothing) actually is an image ID, which means the image is updated. That means that I can’t really set it to be something normal by default, because if I added a normal image before, it would be overwritten by the “blank” image, and if I set the image afterward, it would replace thumbnails for users that don’t have moderated thumbnails.

You could set an image with a lower zindex so that if there is a blank unloaded character, a default one will show.
Default as in perhaps creating an alt and changing the avatar to appear however you want a default/unloaded character to look like or you could make one on paint/photoshop

If I understand you correctly, I don’t think that would fix the problem. I believe that would have the same results, as the image would be put up either way, for unmoderated and moderated, and the default one would always show on top.

The moderated image would be a png (as you can see as you can still see through the GUI for your alt) meaning that the default image would be viewable if someone’s avatar was moderated

I see what you’re saying, good idea, but… wouldn’t he have a new problem where the ‘default’ image is still visible behind a legitimate player thumbnail. (like ,behind his ‘good’ example avatar)

Yeah thanks @Sir_Highness

Yeah. It would still show but the default image should hide behind the avatar of the unmoderated image.

Oh i’m talking about drawing/using an actual character rather than text… But that brings up another issue of all the different packages these days… Wow this really is a dumb issue :confused: I guess you could use a stick figure or something

Yeah, but even if its something like this, it wouldn’t look so good showing behind a good avatar:

And avatars come in all shapes and sizes, even headless, so it would be next to impossible to hide behind them all.

Would be nice if the ‘get’ returned something you could use in an ‘if’ statement if the image was moderated.

Yeah. That sucks… All I can suggest now is I guess for aesthetic purposes you could scale down the image then use a background or something to try and make the space smaller so if someone does have a moderated avatar then it won’t just be a big blank space.

Yeah or even just have a solid color as a background so they know something should be there.

I have an idea, what if you retrieve the moderated thumbnail and print out the imageID of it. Then you can compare if the retrieved image == moderateImageID and replace the image with your own default imageID.

That might work if they give you a consistent ID every time.

Using a pcall or using the function’s isReady second return and using a default image instead is what I do.

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Isn’t the 2nd value returned by the function a Boolean value of false if the thumbnail is moderated? If so you could just add a check for this 2nd value.