The United States Customs and Border Protection is an agency within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for safeguarding America’s borders, facilitating legitimate trade and travel, and enforcing immigration and customs laws.
1. General Regulations
These Regulations are a general reminder of how you are expected to behave while playing in El Paso. Guidelines may be changed without notice at the discretion of the Administration Team. Violations of these rules may result in a removal, ban, demotion, or a group blacklist.
- Users are required to abide by the terms of service set forth by all parties (Roblox and Discord).
- USCBP personnel are required to abide by the orders of higher ranks unless they contradict any regulations stated.
- All users are required to give respect everyone.
- USCBP personnel are required to report any misconduct or abuse by staff members, regardless of rank.
- Users are to avoid spamming and/or spam pinging any user.
- All users, regardless of rank, division and connection, are prohibited from abusing any tools/gamepasses given/bought.
- All users are to avoid any of the actions stated;
Exploiting, abusing, harassment, advertisement and any other similar.
Note: Just because it is not clearly stated as a rule does not mean it isn’t punishable
Note: If you witness any user(s) break any of these rules please report them to a Staff Member
2. Rank Hierarchy
[FN] Foreign National
- Foreign National’s are Documented/Undocumented foreign citizens.
[US] United States Citizen
- Citizens of the United States.
[E] Enlisted Personnel
- Enlisted Personnel are standard USCBP Officers.
[NCO] Non-Commissioned Officers
- Non-Commissioned Officers are senior enlisted personnel.
[S] Staff
- Staff members are NCO’s that have passed a staff evaluation, orders given by staff to lower ranks must be followed.
[HICOM] High Command
- High Command is primarily comprised of the main leaders of the group and all orders given by them must be followed.
[O] Ownership
- Ownership is the Powerbase of El Paso, any and all orders given by them must be followed by any rank.
3. Rank Progression
[FN] Foreign National
- Join the group
[US] United States Citizen
- Pass the Citizenship Quiz
[E] Probationary Agent
- Pass the USCBP Quiz or purchase via Gamepass
[E] Border Patrol Agent
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points
[E] Supervisory Border Patrol Agent
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points
[E] Watch Commander
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points or purchase via Gamepass
[E] Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points or purchase via Gamepass
[E] Patrol Agent in Charge
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points or purchase via Gamepass
[NCO] Operations Officer
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points
[NCO] Associate Chief
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points
[NCO] Deputy Chief of the Border Patrol
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points or purchase via Gamepass
[NCO] Chief of the Border Patrol
- Obtain [UNDETERMIND] Training Points or purchase via Gamepass
[NCO] Oversight Committee
- Only accessible via Oversight Committee Gamepass
[S] Joint Agency Deputy Director
- Only accessible to the Deputy Director of a Division.
[S] Joint Agency Director
- Only accessible to the Director of a Division.
[S] Executive Director
- Handpicked by the Commissioner.
[S] Chief Operations Officer
- Handpicked by the Commissioner.
[S] Deputy Commissioner
- Appointed by USCBP High Command.
[S] Commissioner
- Appointed by USCBP High Command.
[HICOM] Management Staff
- Handpicked by Secretary of Homeland Security.
[HICOM] Assistant Secretary
- Handpicked by Secretary of Homeland Security.
[HICOM] Under Secretary
- Handpicked by Secretary of Homeland Security.
[HICOM] Chief of Staff
- Appointed by Ownership.
[HICOM] Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
- Appointed by Ownership.
[HICOM] Secretary of Homeland Security
- Appointed by Ownership.
[O] Vice President of the United States
- Be DeceptiveKoB
[O] President of the United States
- Be xA_lfa
4. Training Points Information
5. Contact Guide
- Joint Agency Deputy Director - Joint Agency Director // Divisional abuse and Minor issues.
- Executive Director - Commissioner // Admin abuse and Staff Corruption.
High Command
- Management Staff - Under Secretary // Major issues regarding Staff Leadership
- Chief of Staff - Secretary of Homeland Security // Major Issues regarding High Command
- Vice President & President of the United States // For major issues regarding the Deputy and Secretary of Homeland Security.
6. USCBP Divisional Information
Divisions are groups Enlisted Personnel may join via tryout or invitation that grant the user access to exclusive morphs, tools and privileges.
[FBI] Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
[ICE] Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
[BORTAC] Border Patrol Tactical Unit
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
[USSS] United States Secret Service
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
[EPPD] El Paso Police Department
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
[AD] Administration Department
- Duties: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Capacity: TBD
8. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where do I report users breaking rules?
A: You can report them in the player reports channel in the Discord or message a Staff Member.
Q: How do I receive a refund?
A: Unfortunately we do not offer refunds unless the gamepass is broken.
Q: Where are the Trainings Hosted?
A: Trainings are hosted in the events channel in the Discord.
Q: How do I join a division?
A: You need to tryout, tryouts are announced in the tryouts channel in the Discord.
Q: How do I rank up?
A: You can either attend Trainings or purchase a rank via the Rank Center.
Q: Why did I get banned?
A: You have broken a rule, if you have not broken any rules you may appeal your ban via the Ban Appeals Form (COMING SOON)