Elegancy | Staff Handbook


On behalf of the Human Resource Department, we have decided to release a staff handbook that will be particularly aimed towards all of the hosts. We ask you to follow this handbook considerably, as it will help your career and have all the essentials you must know as a low rank here at Elegancy. We would advise you to direct message a Deputy or higher if you have a question in regards to this staff team handbook.

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As you may know, all members that are part of the Management Team have to host a number of shows every week. Every game show has a number of points that differ from one another. The number of points you will need to receive every single week is different for every role there is within Elegancy. For example, if you are a Senior Host, you would need to receive fifteen points every week by hosting several game shows. Although if you were a Moderator, you would need to receive 10 credits every week. The amount of hosting credentials you will need goes lower the higher rank you are.
The following list includes the Elegancy game shows and their worth of credentials.
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When you are hosting a game show, the process is not complex. It is essential for you to view a game show before hosting one when all of the builds have been completed. Before you host a game show, you should have the selected game show’s guide with you at all times. If you do not, you will be warned by a Deputy in the Human Resource Department. It is vital for you to be following the process stated in the guide. It will be vital for you and is a guide for a reason. For more information, please view the Trello.

You may click on the selected game show for the guide that comes along with it.
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When you are hosting a game show, you may find a troller or exploiter in the game. It may not often that often, but you should ensure that you know what to do in case that happens. If you see a troller in the game, you must remind the troller once. This means you must give them a small reminder such as “I would advise you to refrain from trolling, as it may lead up to you being removed from the server.” If the player decides to continue, you should warn them in any format. This format could be anything like “Warning 1 | Reason.” as long as it is addressed to the player. You should only remind and warn the player once. If they continue, you must remove them from the server at once. If you do not have the essential permissions for whatever reason, you must inform another member part of the staff team on the Elegancy communications server.

If you see an exploiter at a game show, you must ban the player at once. Since not everyone may have permission to permanently ban players from the server, you may have to take a screenshot and send it in the staff chat, while pinging an online member. Although if you do have permission to ban players, use the ban command in the command bar and state the reason why they were banned as well for them to know.
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Thank you for reading this staff handbook. Please do not send it to anyone that is not a Host or higher. You may forward any questions to the Human Resources Department.

Thank you,
Human Resources