Elemental Battlegrounds Inspired Game

I’m working on a heavily Elemental Battlegrounds inspired game (being worked on only be me currently).

These are some of the spells of the first element, fire (most of them are unfinished and are not the final product).

(the fact billboard guis don’t have a brightness property really infuriates me fixed)

These are the existing in development elements currently:
…yes, I have even made a Mug element, for the meme (also for April 1st and Oct 5th, only TF2ers will understand the last date).

Also if you have any suggestions for an element I should do next lmk (already existing elements: fire, water, wind, shock, atom, plasma, and light. mug does not count because it is a meme element lol)


Really like those effects! The UI needs some improvement (pretty bland looking, not great contrast or layout), but it overall looks like a lot of fun. Great work :slight_smile:

That’s cool! I think you should anchor the hrp for a split second and you should make it so you can hold down the keybind to aim it.

Has great potential, I do suggest you add better design to the UI, make it yours, it’s a little to bland and needs decoration, other then that, Its great! hope I helped.

I’m not the best with UI design so what can I say ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Freezing the player the way EB does it is tricky. And I have played a lot of EB (lvl 229) so I know they don’t anchor the hrp (anchoring the hrp while they are airborne also makes their falling animation play), they must be using body position, which I have tried but with little success.

A little update on the map (will be improved later).

It looks cool, but you should really really change the UI. The theme is not very good-looking, and all the layouts are carbon copies of Elemental Battlegrounds. I would really try and make it more unique,

i.e maybe an idea would be to make it so the move buttons aren’t always on screen, you can move them to the bottom left and make it so they fade in/out based on cooldown.

That’s sortaish the point of ‘inspired’. And some parts of the game wont be the same as EB, such as having to buy each spell for an element via shards (shards also won’t be in the game, just gems). Instead all the spells are given to you immediately upon purchase, and to go along with that, some elements can be obtained via quests (though, this is unlikely to be added, I need more opinions on this) or other means other than just buying them with gems. And spells won’t have “spell types” so it brings up way more combo potential (unlike in EB you couldn’t use two blast/projectile attacks like fireball and water beam at the same time, which are the same spell type).
EB has a wiki on spell types here.

Just remember that this game is still very in development as I have just recently started on it (only been like a month) and things will change over time. My current main focuses are finishing the spells for the elements in game already so the game is at least semi playable (doesn’t mean I wont open it to the public though. I don’t think it will be released in general until next year when everything is finished and balanced)

And I have been thinking of creating image icons for the spells and buttons, though I have yet to figure out what they should look like (while also trying to not directly copy the way EB does their icons). I’m also not the best gfx artist (the element icons are something I made years back in 2018 when I was actually more invested into a game idea like this and when EB was still kind of new).

Overall though, I am trying to avoid making it look like an EB rip off, which I know inevitably some will think that way about this. Also if you (or anyone else) have any ideas for this game, let me know.

I have forgot to mention that I have a backup of this place as a local file (downloaded 3 days before the deletion). So this project is not over yet.

Update on this project:

So I received an unfair 3 day ban for a game that I don’t even own for having an asset I don’t even have. I sent an appeal and got the ban lifted hours after finding out about the ban. But now I have a new problem, my game was wrongfully deleted, yes, the game that was inspired off Elemental Battlegrounds. I only found out about this after I wanted to work on this game only to see it deleted.

This was the game that was linked in the moderator note:
Also note, this game was titled “Untitled Game” but it now seems to be deleted (with the owner not being banned still).

tl;dr, they tried to delete my game and ban me because some asset that violated the TOS was in someone elses game when I had no part in it at all.

I have already sent an appeal (at 1:52 PM yesterday) to bring the games contents back and to reopen it. And as of typing this (March 3 6:58 PM) I have yet to get a reply back. The only reply I got was the automated response saying that my message was received.



Yup, this will go straight into my “Roblox abuses developers” compilation. Many such cases, sad!


I wanna see the finished product if it’s actually going to a compilation.

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Guess what, were back with this bs again. And for a different reason too. A very vague one albeit.

The few decals and sound effects I uploaded were of fair use or had actually belonged to me. But nooo Roblox thinks I don’t own those and thinks I didn’t make them and bans me AND my game for it. Second time too.