Elementium Update Log (February 27, 2019)

  • Gameplay
    • Mine
      1. The random ore selection has been changed to hopefully to display other ores than just stone all the time.
      2. The time it takes for an ore to be randomly selected has decreased greatly (this is minor).
      3. The mine will call ClearAllChildren when resetting. This should, in theory, make the resetting faster.
    • GUI
      1. Hovering over someone will display their name and title. This is still being worked on, so spacing issues might happen.
      2. Hovering over an ore will now display information about the ore. This is also now hidden while mining.
      3. The progress bar that’s present for mining now uses sine (previously was linear) for easing style.
      4. The mine progress display now uses a remote event instead of the Changed event to help improve performance.
    • Chat System
      1. The chat has been changed to display server messages.
      2. Error messages in the chat will display as server messages.
      3. The /help chat command has been removed to prevent display issues.
    • Ores
      1. Immortalium has been added. Its current strength will change in the future.
      2. Boomite has been readded.
    • Pickaxe
      1. Players can now hold down their mouse to continue to mine ores after mining an ore.
      2. The pickaxe’s code has been changed slightly to hopefully improve performance.
    • Data
      1. Data has been reset to test new stats and new saving methods.
      2. Data should now save correctly.
  • Moderation
    • Commands
      1. The announce command will now send a server message. This command is still locked to developers.

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