Elevator Blitz | Update Log & Info

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Welcome to the page for changelogs, known bugs, and information about Elevator Blitz!

Elevator Blitz is a casual game about an elevator, where you get to explore what’s behind the door of the elevator! What will you experience in the elevator today? There’s lots that you can explore, along with features, like item shops, leaderboards, and more to come soon!

:one: Known Issues
Any issues that affect gameplay, regardless if minor or major, will be posted here for reference. Each issue has it’s own drop-down, with a status, update, description of bug, and potential workarounds.

No known issues at the moment.

:two: Update Log
All updates for Elevator Blitz will be listed here, along with what’s new or changed! If you see an earlier version not listed, it simply means that the version was made available before the first major release, which was version 2.0.0. The current version for Elevator Blitz is version 8.0.3. However, this may vary with older servers.

Atlantis I (8.0.3)

Release Date: 2022-11-12T21:13:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Fixed a bug where the Disco Ball in the “Disco Ball” floor glitches and becomes out of position.
  • Fixed a bug where a player’s nametag is unable to load and shows a blank white nametag on respawn.
  • Other performance improvements.
Atlantis I (8.0.2)

Release Date: 2022-05-30T19:29:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Modified “Enter the Elevator” sign in the lobby to better match the update theme.
  • Adjusted Indigo trail color to better match the actual color.
  • Made color correction adjustments for a less intensive display.
  • All items, trails, and nametags displayed in the shop are now listed and shown correctly.
  • Fixed massive gaps when viewing trails and nametags in inventory.
  • Fixed a bug where the Changelog section is always displayed first when you open Settings for the first time.
Atlantis I (8.0.1)

Release Date: 2022-04-24T20:12:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

This update fixes a major, and sudden game-breaking bug where the Nametags and Trails break the Shop and Inventory when either trying to equip or buy. This update also fixes a bug where you can’t see your inventory.

Atlantis I (8.0.0)

Release Date: 2022-04-08T21:01:00Z
Type of Update: Major

  • New lobby elevator! Added an elevator for the lobby. This is mainly because of issues relating to the “Enter the Elevator” feature’s animation being sluggish.
  • New badges! 4 new badges are now available to get from Elevator Blitz, including; Speedrunner, Centuplicate, Life’s Good and Look At Me!
  • DataStore2 has now been applied to trails and nametags. To prevent data loss, we’ve created a new technique that should properly transfer your trails and nametags from DataStore to DataStore2.
  • New shop items. 1 new trail, Cyan. 2 new nametags; Introvert, and Swag.
  • Deal of The Day: Shop items now reflect on the item of the day. The item of the day will be highlighted with the “-20%” tag.
  • New setting. “Disable Screen Effects” disables FX like color correction and blur, useful for performance issues.
  • Revamped The Button Now in the void. Bomb now spawns directly in the elevator.
  • Updated lobby and elevator design. Quite obvious already.
  • Fixed a lighting issue for both “Just A Mailbox” and “The Visitor” floors.
  • Fixed a bug in the inventory where clicking on the equipped trail with unequip it.
  • Fixed a bug where FPS randomly drops when the elevator door opens.
  • Fixed a bug where you would die when you spawn in the elevator during the Speedrun floor.
  • Fixed a bug where the player doesn’t get teleported to specific floors (“Falling Platforms” and “Four Corners”) even if they were in the elevator.
  • Fixed a bug where console controls rarely appears on mobile devices.
  • Fixed a bug where the cooldown for the Feedback feature would trigger, even if the report submission was not successful.
  • Fixed a bug where explosions do not play properly for “The Button” floor.
noob blitz (4.1.22)

Release Date: 2022-04-01T16:33:00Z
Type of Update: April Fools

we NEWBS took over roblos and elevatior blits! we r now newb blitz. please support us with da new name pls plspl s. we mande change to floor and make elevator play noob noises. wow!1111!!

Halcyon (7.1.3)

Release Date: 2022-02-27T17:44:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Maze floor has been nerfed to give 40 CC instead of 50 CC, along with it’s Fast Pace variant from 70 CC to 60 CC.
  • Fixed a bug where both Maze and Maze FP floors only allowed 1 player to actually play the floor.
  • Removed all remaining holiday decorations.
Halcyon (7.1.2)

Release Date: 2022-01-27T02:15:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Items in the shop now rotate!
  • Added music for “Four Corners” floor.
  • The weekly leaderboard now lists the week number and the year.
  • “Slide Ride” floor has been reduced from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.
  • The “Mute Music” setting now mutes both lobby music and intermission music at the same time.
  • Updated loading screen facts.
  • Fixed a bug where the date for Last Updated in the weekly leaderboard is not formatted properly.
Halcyon (7.1.1)

Release Date: 2022-01-07T21:04:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • New elevator door animation when entering the elevator.
  • Global leaderboard has been renamed to Alltime leaderboard.
  • Updated avatar displays for leaderboard homepages.
  • Fixed a bug where leaderboard homepages do not load data properly.
  • Removed Holiday Seasons event and Snowflakes currency.
Halcyon (7.1.0)

Release Date: 2021-12-17T02:10:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

*The Holiday Season event started.

  • New Fast Pace variant for Maze.
  • You can now earn 5 CC every floor completed again.
  • Slightly revamped Bank Robbery floor.
  • Reduced volume for Binary Code floor.
  • Fixed a bug where the teleporting animation screen is slow.

Legacy Version changes (2.2.1):

  • Any existing data for Floors has been completely reset due to a major bug with former data syncing (Any data in the Modern version remains intact).
  • In-game player names are now more clear with a white color and bigger text.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would not give you Floors.
  • Fixed a bug where no floor happens for a periodic amount of time.
Halcyon (7.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-12-10T20:24:00Z
Type of Update: Major

The long-awaited and the biggest update for Elevator Blitz is now here. The Halcyon Update is now out for everyone to play! This update features lots of new updates to the mechanics, and multiple changes to floors, along with improvements, and bug squashing!

Let’s get to the major new features first! To start off with this big update, there is now a new lobby :seat:! You’ve definitely had at one point, had to go AFK to go eating or get a small popsicle, or just needed to do a duty. Well, meet the lobby! The lobby will help aim for a better atmosphere of the game generally, and players will teleport to the lobby if they die while playing.

Ever wanted to express yourself? Meet trails :running_man: and nametags :label:! With these two features, you can give yourself a personality with nametags, and also flex with trails! These can be bought with CC in the shop. You can either buy it manually (which is more expensive), or you can test your luck using the Random Trail box for trails! A Random Nametag box will come in the next update scheduled soon! There’s also a new Deal of the Day :bangbang: feature, where every day, an item (only actual items, not trails or nametags) is on sale for 20% off!

Also, I should mention there is also an inventory :school_satchel:? You can use it to access your nametags and trails and equip one of your choice.

There are also other new features:

  • New data system! We’ve switched datastores from the default datastore to Datastore2 to reduce chances of data loss.

  • New loading screen! Pretty self-explanatory. It’s just a spinning elevator!

  • New CC and Floor displays! For PC and mobile users, you can find your balance on the top of the screen. For console players, press down on the D-Pad to see your balance.

  • New notification design! Notifications now use a fading animation after 5 seconds.

  • New debug menu features! Added the “Server Status” option, makes sure that the server is updated or not.

Now for the rest of the changes in this update:

:blue_book: UPDATED

  • Leaderboards now reset every Sunday at the end of the day (or specifically; 12:00 AM Monday).
  • “Hole in the Wall” floor has been completely remade, now has 4 different walls to dodge!
  • “Maze” floor now has been completely remade, with new designs, mechanics, and music!
  • “The Stage” floor now mentions the player on the stage on everyone’s screen!
  • “Vibe Room” floor has been updated to add a swing!
  • “Bank Robbery” floor has been updated so that the lasers deal 15 damage per touch instead of 25 damage.
  • The Credits feature in Settings has been updated.
  • The Changelog feature in Settings has been updated to split the changelog into 2 categories; the current version and all versions.

:orange_book: FIXED

  • Fixed a gamepad-related bug where pressing the No button when confirming an item purchase using the A button attempts to buy the item.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Submit in the Feedback feature gets stuck on “Sending message…” permanently.
  • Fixed a bug where the speedrun floor only gives CC to the first person who completed the course.
  • Fixed a bug regarding contents not being able to be seen due to the lighting on “Just a Mailbox” floor.
  • General improvements to the FPS system in “Debug Menu”.

:closed_book: REMOVED

  • (Temporarily) removed “Two Elevators” floor, and the Fast Pace variant of “Maze”.
  • Removed the old CC and Floors displays.
  • The Invite Friends button is now completely removed on console.
Dawn (6.6.0)

Release Date: 2021-12-04T02:17:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

This update adds official support for a new language, :flag_fr: French!

French translations are now available for the game! Do note that some features currently do not support French at the moment (but, they may eventually be supported):

  • The chat system
  • NPC bubble chats
  • Some prompt purchases when buying shop items
  • Loading screen facts
  • Changelog

Minor fixes and changes contained in this update include:

  • Some visual changes to Falling Platforms.
  • Fixed a bug where usernames may be automatically translated by the system.
  • Fixed a bug where the Server Location was formatted incorrectly.
  • The Stage now has a short cooldown at the start of the floor before teleporting the player.
  • Fixed rescaling issues with UI buttons.
  • Visitor now says 3 new messages in The Visitor.
  • Bomb explosion radius has been balanced. This means it is no longer impossible to dodge the bomb in The Button (Fast Pace).
Dawn (6.5.5)

Release Date: 2021-11-05T14:51:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Added 50+ new colors for Visitor’s torso.
  • Players that have 0 floors are now automatically filtered from the weekly leaderboard.
  • Removed all Halloween decor.
Dawn (6.5.4)

Release Date: 2021-10-27T17:20:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

Fixed 2 recurring bugs where the CC section displayed the incorrect amount of robux, and attempting to buy CC produces a “Something went wrong” error.

Dawn (6.5.3)

Release Date: 2021-10-11T15:48:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Visitor NPC has 6 new speeches, and a new pumpkin hat!
  • Candy cane particles in the elevator have been added!
  • Increased darker text colors for “Four Corners”.
  • Players with 0 floors are now displayed with a rank of “N/A” on the weekly leaderboard.
  • Fixed bugs where the “Hole in the Wall” wall unexpectedly causes lag spikes.
  • Fixed a bug where “The Visitor” floor was always the 1st floor when the server starts.
Dawn (6.5.2)

Release Date: 2021-10-01T19:05:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

Added some halloween decor for now!

Dawn (6.5.1)

Release Date: 2021-09-25T17:12:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

Added Spatial Voice/Voice Chat to Elevator Blitz. You can now play with voice chat with others in-game (if eligible)!

Dawn (6.5.0)

Release Date: 2021-09-14T18:54:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

*Dawn Sale started for the 1st anniversary of Elevator Blitz.

  • Four Corners now has numbers listed and I updated the code to include the number corresponding to each side.

  • Leaderboards, and Settings have both been completely revamped similar to the Shop’s design.

  • “Now Playing” has a new modern design!

  • Fixed a few minor bugs! Particularly, reducing memory, and glitching stuff, along with game-breaking bugs…

  • Removed the ability to receive 5 CC upon completing a floor. This is to prevent auto-farming abuse.

Dawn (6.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-09-10T18:24:00Z
Type of Update: Major

It’s only the beginning. Welcome to the Dawn Update. A slightly smaller major update is right next to you, and it’s now out! Like before, there is lots of new content that I can’t wait to tell you… Let’s get started:

New Floors

:fallen_leaf: Falling Platforms

Heads up! Don’t look down! Rest assure as platforms fall, leading to your ultimate death. Only 1 can stay. Can you figure it out?

Rarity: Common | Time: 30secs

:wave: The Visitor

Power outage? Am I hallucinating? Are you okay? Those are the questions you’re asked by a stranger.

Rarity: Common | Time: ~20secs

:x: Windows XP

Remember that famous operating system everyone once ran? Well, to revive some nostalgia, I might as well poke fun of your elevator with my errors.

Rarity: Uncommon | Time: 20secs

This update now has 26 floors, along with 4 Fast Pace variants.

Modified/changed floors include:

  • Chill Convenience: Added music to floor.
  • Disco Party: Remade disco floor to make it more simple, along with decor. Also added sound effects when clicking on specific buttons.
  • Space Discovery: No longer features all planets, is now only a way to obtain Astronaut NPC.
  • Speedrun: Made tweaks to the floor, specifically to make it easier (same with it’s Fast Pace variant).
  • The Stage: Fixed a rare bug, where a player is never chosen on the Stage. Also fixed another bug where player chosen teleports to death.
  • When Life Gives You Lemons: All lemons now use the same texture.

New Features

:shopping_cart: Shop

The shop now features a couple new designs, particularly the items section. The items is now listed as a vertical scrolling frame. Also, now you must confirm your purchase of an item now. So if you click on an item you want to buy, you’ll have to confirm you want to buy it. This is to prevent accidental purchases!

Some other minor new features are that items now have labels like “NEW!”, and “Permanent”. Another new feature is that items that you have owned won’t be purchasable, and you won’t be able to see the labels that the item has. Lastly, items now use Viewport Frames to display the tool instead of using Roblox images.

:man_technologist: Elevator Design

This new update has a new elevator design! We’ve updated the design of our most beloved elevator, and a more compact design. The elevator is smaller, railings has been revamped, and a couple more to list…

:notes: Music

Added new “Now Playing” feature, which will display the current song playing (if available) on your screen! This replaces the traditional Song feature that was adjacent to the clock.

Aside from the “Now Playing” feature, I added 7 new intermission tracks, removed 1 intermission track, and moved an intermission track to a floor.


  • Added 1 new item to the shop, Confetti, for 250 CC.
  • Added Server Uptime, and Server Location, to the Debug Menu.
  • Replaced ON/OFF button in Settings with “switches” designs.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to enter a promocode with numbers or underscores will appear as “Invalid code”.
  • Feedback system now automatically sends server location, CC and Floors data, server code, server uptime, player username, and player ID. Feedback cooldown has been ultimately shortened to 60 seconds.
  • Completely revamped leaderboards, now has weekly and all-time (global) leaderboards.
  • Leaderboards now update when the player automatically joins.
  • Disco Ball now goes slightly closer to the player.
  • Everyone can now see your bighead when drinking Bighead Potion.
  • Equipping Trophy no longer makes you jump.


  • The option to type in the server code has been removed.
Sierra (5.1.2)

Release Date: 2021-09-06T15:09:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Fixed a bug where leaderboards would only fit a maximum of 98 players (now shows 100 players).
  • Fixed a bug where the cake of “The Cake is a Lie” floor would sometimes spawn out of the map.
  • Cleaned up some unwanted memory within server.
Sierra (5.1.1)

Release Date: 2021-08-18T14:38:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

Fixed a bug regarding Bighead Potion not working as intended.

Sierra (5.1.0)

Release Date: 2021-08-08T21:22:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Added 2 new gears; Bighead Potion, Moneybag
  • Added “Mute Music” option; mutes music from Elevator in game!
  • Rewrote scripts for Four Corners, and Multi Maze; both are now more stable.
  • Time in Elevator is now formatted properly (format is now 00:00).
  • Custom camera is now automatically applied on join to combat a mobile camera glitch.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Q/E while typing in chat or promocodes would open Shop/Settings.
  • Fixed a bug where players can drop items, which would abuse the item shop system.
  • Fixed a bug where items earnt from floors would be droppable.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to buy CC with robux would result in a “Something went wrong” error.
  • Removed “Quick Reset” button in Settings.
Sierra (5.0.1)

Release Date: 2021-08-05T01:49:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • “The Stage” floor no longer teleports players to the bottom of the floor, causing them to die. This floor also now selects only 1 person to go on the stage.
  • Players can no longer go through the roof of “The Stage” floor.
  • Fixed a bug where “Multi Maze” floor teleported only one player (along with it’s Fast Pace variant).
  • Fixed a bug where having 250+ FPS with debug mode on would trigger both Warning and Error messages.
  • [ LEGACY ] Fixed a bug where the newest floors were placed far away from the elevator.
Sierra (5.0.0p)

Release Date: 2021-07-31T22:46:00Z
Type of Update: Post-Release

  • New Typewriter loading screen.
  • Health bar on top of player is now always active.
  • Added 6 new intermission tracks.
  • Added new Warning sound (can be muted via Mute SFX in Settings).
  • Fixed a bug where health bar would not render properly, which causes a small gap between the front and back bars.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the + CC button would not close the shop.
  • Fixed a bug where Mute SFX would mute sounds for every player in the server.
  • Updated Changelog to list the most recent versions.
  • Removed intermission tracks that were taken down by Roblox.
  • Removed several scripts that were unnecessary and took up the server’s memory.
Sierra (5.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-07-30T18:33:00Z
Type of Update: Major

Welcome to the deserted of the deserts, or, best known as the Sierra Update ! Exploring is fun, which is why, we made this update with lots of new and updated features across this new and big update! Let’s get to know what is new for this update:

New Floors

:four: Four Corners

A classic of Elevator games! You choose one side, another side will be gone and drop players to their death along if they choose the wrong one!

Rarity: Uncommon (75) | Time: 3 rounds (about 43-45 seconds)

:thinking: Multi Maze

This maze has a large twist, other than you exploring to the exit. You get to be teleported between 2 sides, Red (more common), or Blue (more rare) side. If you get Blue, you’ll get closer to the exit!

Rarity: Common (100) | Time: 90 seconds

:yellow_heart: Multi Maze also has a Fast Pace variant. This floor shortens the time to 75 seconds, and also moves some walls around.

:radio_button: The Button

Bad or good? If you’re really curious to press this button, you will either get a bomb that can possibly implode you to bits, or you get CC (we’ll get to this eventually).

Rarity: Common (100) | Time: 20 seconds

:yellow_heart: The Button also has a Fast Pace variant. This floor has a longer bomb implosion distance, and red and blue CC coins, instead of yellow and red CC coins.

:postbox: Just a Mailbox

Is it just a mailbox? Is it? Maybe it can be something you can think of. Sus.

Rarity: Common (100) | Time: 15 seconds

This update now has 23 floors (+4 Fast Pace variants).’

New Features

:money_with_wings: CC

Welcome back our long deserted and aging currency, CC! CC was previously added in the past, but it now back, and better! You can earn CC from completing objectives. For example, every floor you complete gives you +5 CC, completing the Speed Run floor gives you +30 CC, and it’s Fast Pace variant gives +50 CC. If you’re impatient to earn it all at once, or just do what you want, you can buy CC using Robux in the shop.

There are 3 types of CC coins, ranked from most common to most rare; yellow CC coin (+5 CC), red CC coin (+10 CC), and a blue coin (+25 CC).

:package: Items

7 items you can buy that you can use while you relax in the elevator! New items included in this update include; Flashlight, Duck, Teddy Bloxpin, Microphone, Disco Ball, Speed Coil, and Gravity Coil

You can also buy a Sierra-exclusive item called the Present for 1200 CC in the Featured section of the shop! It will give you a yellow CC coin (50% chance), red CC coin (35% chance), or a blue CC coin (15% chance) everytime you click (1 min cooldown). Very OP if I say so, and because of that, thisoffer is available until August 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 pm EST!

:bar_chart: Leaderboard

Climb your way to the top with Global Leaderboards! You can now check the players with the most Floors on your screen. Updates every 60 seconds and should list up to the top 100 players.

:video_game: Controls

XBOX and PC controls now work! For console, press X to toggle shop, and press Y to toggle settings. For PC, press Q to toggle shop, and press E to toggle settings.

:man_teacher: Promocodes

Want rewards for checking out our social media? We got you with promocodes! You can redeem special codes for rewards! You can redeem promocodes on your left side where all of the buttons are.


  • Reworked Shop with new features!
  • Settings now has new features; Mute SFX, and Debug Menu!
  • New lobby design based on the update!
  • Conveyor for Landmines on the Move has been removed. Time for the floor is now shortened to 30 seconds.
  • Added a Close/X button for Shop, Settings, Feedback, Promocodes, and Leaderboard.
  • New design for DuoLingo floor.
  • Changed Disco Party floor with new lighting and disco floor design.
  • Updated Vibe Room floor with new design and new song!
  • DuoLingo Bird now has 3 new phrases upon door opening.
  • [ LEGACY ] Hide Players button now corresponds to colors, depending on the chosen preference (ON is green, OFF is red).
  • [ LEGACY ] Updated Settings to modify outdated text.


  • Fixed a bug where data may have been lost if rejoined rapidly.
  • Reduced lag and improved performance for older devices.
  • Fixed a bug where frames will display the wrong size on various platforms.
  • Fixed a bug where buttons are positioned incorrectly on the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where long errors are thrown out during after-math of loading screen.
  • Fixed a bug where compass logo does not center properly on the loading screen.
  • Fixed a bug where Vibe Room chairs causes the character to be squished into the table.
  • [ LEGACY ] Fixed a bug where XBOX players have a hard time navigating to teleport to Modern Version.


  • Removed Donations completely for Modern Version, now only exclusive for Legacy Version.
  • Removed “Landmines On The Move” Fast Pace floor variant.
  • Removed “Your Floors” section in the elevator.
Velocity (4.0.3)

Release Date: 2021-07-16T22:04:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Added new floor, Bank Robbery
  • Changelog is now listed first, no longer has a long and notable gap at the start
  • Fixed a bug where GUIs can be placed in the wrong position due to the Roblox menu
  • Updated some scripts to prevent deprecated functions
Velocity (4.0.2)

Release Date: 2021-07-04T17:51:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

This update made several tweaks for the Speedrun floor.

Velocity (4.0.1)

Release Date: 2021-06-24T15:53:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

Updated auto-localization, and added new description and name. No other changes were made.

Velocity (4.0.0p)

Release Date: 2021-06-19T00:18:00Z
Type of Update: Post-Release

  • New badge, “A New Arrival”! You can simply get this badge by joining the game for the first time!
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to teleport to Legacy Version would result in a 524 error.
Velocity (4.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-06-18T17:55:00Z
Type of Update: Major

Welcome to a new hybrid of a new elevator. We packed brand new things for Elevator Blitz… and it is now bigger then ever! Meet the Velocity Update . There are so many new things in this update, such as new and remodeled floors (of course), new Fast Pace floors, auto-localization, and more!

  • New Fast Pace Floors: These floors will give you greater rewards, with harder objectives… Currenty Speedrun, Landmines on the Move, and Zombie Invasion have Fast Pace variants, and Fast Pace floors have a full gold color.
  • 4 new floors: Chill Convenience, Hole in the Wall, Lift Chaos and When Life Gives You Lemons!
  • New Legacy Version: The legacy version has been updated to when Elevator Blitz was originally released.
  • New Chat System: Includes emoji shortcuts, display name identifier, mentioning players, and more!
  • New Lobby Theme: Includes RGB lighting, star effects, elevator corners, and more changes!
  • Tracking Floors: Floors can now be tracked on your screen! On your bottom right, you can see the amount of floors you have been to! You don’t need to look by the elevator door anymore.
  • Auto-Localization: Added full support for French, Spanish, Portuguese, and limited support for Korean, Russian, and Japanese.
  • XBOX Controls Partially added XBOX controls! Almost all controls don’t work, but controls will be displayed on your screen now!
  • Server Code: Added server code for each server. Use this server code to find friends, track activity, and in the Feedback section (this is to see if some servers have this problem, or all of the servers do).
  • Donation Options: Added 10 and 25 robux donation options in the Store.
  • Remodeled 2 Floors: Two Elevators, with a brand new code door that requires a code for something new! Also, Slide Ride, with new slide barriers and a new shape.
  • Barrier: Reduced height of the barrier as the floors that were contributing to these problems were removed.
  • TV Glitch: Partially fixed a bug where the TV time will pause and unpause immediately. This could not be completely fixed, as ROBLOX servers becoming sluggish can continue to cause this problem, which is something we can’t necessarily control.
  • Feedback: The Feedback system was modified to add an optional Server Code option.
  • Tripping Players: Fixed a bug where tripping the player sometimes does not render properly.
  • Speedrun: Fixed a bug where player may not die if they repedately jumped on the water, which allowed the player to unintentionally bypass parts of the speedrun.
  • Disco: Fixed a bug where the disco floor glows to the point where seeing is almost impossible
  • Tweening: Fixed tweening bugs present in several floors.
  • Roblox Points: Awarding Roblox Points in Elevator Blitz is now deprecated.
  • Removal of Floors: Removed Secret Code and Clone Hex floors.
Code Neon (3.0.5)

Release Date: 2021-05-31T14:31:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Winning Smile is no longer always guaranteed the first floor when the server starts.
  • Removed 3 floors; Sword Fight, Floor, Ball Pit
Code Neon (3.0.4)

Release Date: 2021-05-23T16:20:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

This update adds partial support for localization for Spanish and French languages. Game name and descriptions have been updated fully to localize Spanish and French languages.

This update also fixes some minor bugs such as Changelog unintentionally glitching on select platforms.

Code Neon (3.0.3)

Release Date: 2021-05-13T19:20:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Changelog has been readded in Settings! Now lists all versions and no longer lists Archived update logs.
  • Fixes a possible exploitable bug in Legacy Version that caused the humanoid to possibly teleport to the void.
  • Fixed a bug where the seat for the broken chair is not anchored, causing the humanoid to sit on the broken chair in a weird certain way.
  • Fixed a bug where specific parts of the projector on the roof is not anchored, causing some parts to fall off.
  • Fixed some grammatical mistakes in the Changelog section, along with several invalid changes listed.
  • Other misc bug fixes and changes.
Code Neon (3.0.2)

Release Date: 2021-04-20T21:14:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

This updates adds minor graphical improvements and improves compatibility with older devices by reducing the storage taken by the system. Nothing was changed or removed otherwise.

Code Neon (3.0.1)

Release Date: 2021-04-14T17:13:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Code Neon (3.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-03-26T17:52:00Z
Type of Update: Major

:older_man: Feeling old? Try out the new Legacy Version! A seperate version of the modern Elevator Blitz, this version brings the latest floors with the dated shop and elevator. You can try out this version by clicking Settings > Teleports > Legacy Version > Teleport.

:newspaper: 3 new floors! Risk your life for a landmine for destruction. Winning. Smile. Explore the galaxy around us… more interactive!

:key: If you ever feel alone playing our game, you can now invite your friends to play with you! With this new feature, you don’t even have to hesitate inviting.

:wrench: This update adds tweaks and improvements to several floors .
DuoLingo Added projector decor and larger screen.
Boulder Run Reduced amount of boulders.
Speed Run Revised obstacle course, now easier.
Ball Pit Slightly changed color palette.
Sword Fight New revamped room. now occurs x2 less often then usual.

:gear: The Settings option has been revamped to aim at better accessibility for XBOX players and better ease of scrolling.

:levitate: Fixed Sword Fight floor, where players who die from other players spawn on an invisible barrier instead of the room.

:purple_heart: Fixed Vibe Room floor, where players indefinitely get flinged after touching a banana placed on the flipped chair.

:banana: Fixed Banana Peels floor, where the floor may take a couple times to obtain the banana through the backpack.

:question: Fixed Settings and Shop, where after dying once, select buttons do not open properly when clicking on them.

Removed GRANNY GRANNY floor from the game.

Temporarily removed Changelog in Settings following outdated info and current version.

Core2 (2.5.1pr)

Release Date: 2021-03-25T22:12:00Z
Type of Update: Pre-Release

Added the Countdown Orb, which counts down until the next major update, Code Neon.

Core2 (2.5.1)

Release Date: 2021-01-27T18:21:00Z
Type of Update: Patch

This minor update fixes potential false-positive outputs with our anti-exploiting scripts and with our reset-speed scripts. Nothing was changed or removed otherwise.

Core2 (2.5.0)

Release Date: 2021-01-22T19:01:00Z
Type of Update: Major

Heads up! Welcome to a new era of Elevator Blitz. This update is packed with a bunch of new stuff and squashed more bugs then ever! Hope you enjoy this new update!

:star: Revamped lobby: City themed with raining, how’s it possible?
:star: New GUIs: Report, Settings and Shop now have new gradient designs!
:star: New floor: Clone Hex that comes with your purchase… Nothing wrong, right?

Core2 is aimed to redesign floors to add more specific details to floors.

Speedrun Made easier for users (specially for those who are new to obbies. Also made fixes that people could bypass and take shortcuts with the killing water.
Boulder Run Reduced amount of boulders and added more detail to the skies.
GRANNY GRANNY Removed Sirenhead following reports of people being flinged out of the map.
Two Elevators Secret door? Secret code? Purr…
Disco Party Converted the floor outside of the elevator.
Ball Pit Converted the floor outside of the elevator.
Sword Fight Made minor changes.
Vibe Room Removed seat animations due to a broken script following Roblox updates.

Special thanks to our testers in our Tester Program! We took off the program this week and found more bugs then every update we’ve done for Elevator Blitz!

:star: Music :broken_heart: Banana Fixed a bug where music cuts off when Banana Peels floor occurs for longer then usual.
:star: Elevator of The Hill Reduced the bug where players spawn on top of the elevator during a specific floor. This was not completely removed due to binding.
:star: Nametags are back (for now)! Reduced a bug where a player’s nametag gets locked in a specific part after resetting a couple times. This was not completely removed due to binding.
:star: Player Have Cake. Fixed a very rare bug where standing on top of the cake would kill the humanoid.
:star: Auto-Script for All Floors Fixed a very rare bug where the reset-speed auto-script does not reset, leaving the player stuck on the same speed as the speedrun floor.
:star: Siren…fling. Removed Sirenhead as there were reports of people getting flinged out of the map when near Sirenhead.
:star: Credits now partially normal. Reduced a bug where the credits section was all over the place. This was not completely removed due to binding.
:star: Minor lag reduction Reduced lag and game size to help run lower-end devices more smoothly.

Core1 / Refresh (2.0.2)

Release Date: 2021-01-06T01:30:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

  • Backported GUIs have been adjusted and several features were fixed except for the Credits section.

  • Fixed a critical bug that might’ve teleported the player to the maintenance lobby upon immediately joining a server.

  • Other bug fixes/changes that are minor.

Core1 / Refresh (2.0.1)

Release Date: 2021-01-03T02:15:00Z
Type of Update: Minor

This minor update implements new anti-exploiting scripts. Nothing was changed or removed otherwise.

Core1 / Refresh (2.0.0)

Release Date: 2021-01-01T18:12:00Z
Type of Update: Major

The anticipated update has finally come! This includes stability, new outcomes, accessibility for mobile and console and so on!

What’s new:

:star: New lobby: Huh, why’s it all dark?
:star: GRANNY GRANNY GRANNY: You heard me, a new floor indeed. Prepare for absolute disaster.
:star: New rebranded GUI: Yes, I know I already made a lot of changes to the GUI, but this just might be the last time for a while (Settings not included). Also includes new accessibility options for console.

What’s changed:

:star: No more sound? Some sounds and audio to avoid copyright.
:star: Floor modifications: Includes Zombie Invasion floor and Disco floor, so on…

What’s removed:

:star: You just keep on turning on and off. We’ve removed the Floors currency display because it seems to flicker in some cases.
:star: Reduced potential lag: Removed non-needed material.
:star: Not today. Removed malicious scripts that could outperform the game.

We hope you enjoy this new update! Feedback, hackers, bugs? Report it in the game!