This is a noted script from the Inventory Demo!
local Players = game:GetService('Players') -- gets the players service
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') -- gets the run service
local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui') -- gets the starter gui service
local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') -- gets the user input service
--<Disable Roblox's Backpack>--
repeat -- starts a repeat
local Success, Error = pcall(function() -- wraps a pcall
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) -- disables roblox's backpack
end) -- ends the pcall wrap
wait() -- waits as fast the players comuter can handle it
until Success -- ends the reapeat when we have successfully disabled roblox's backpack
--[!] const
-- max tool slot size
local TOOL_MAX_SLOTS = 10 -- sets max tool slots
-- i.e. GUI-related tool slot settings
local TOOL_SIZE = 50 -- tool icon size
local TOOL_BORDER_OFFSET = 15 -- gap between icons
local TOOL_BOTTOM_OFFSET = 20 -- offset from bottom of screen
-- keycode values, see here:
-- where:
-- 48 = Zero
-- 49 = One
-- n = ...
-- 57 = Nine
local NUMERIC_KEYCODE_ZRO = 48 -- gets the zero keycode
local NUMERIC_KEYCODE_MIN = 49 -- gets the minimum keycode for our keycodes(1)
local NUMERIC_KEYCODE_MAX = 57 -- gets the maximum keycode for our keycodes(9)
local NUMERIC_KEYCODE_RANGE =, NUMERIC_KEYCODE_MAX) -- i.e. the range of Enum.KeyCode[name].Value that represents numeric keycodes
-- i.e. set up a dictionary that maps the value to a specific keycode
local KEYCODE_VALUES = { } -- creates a table
for _, keycode in next, Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems() do -- gets all the keycodes
KEYCODE_VALUES[keycode.Value] = keycode -- adds the keycode to the value
end -- ends when all the keycodes were goten
--[!] utils
-- checks whether a character is alive, and has valid character instances e.g. humanoid + rootpart
local function tryGetCharacterInstances(character) -- checks whether the char is alive
if typeof(character) ~= 'Instance' or not character:IsA('Model') or not character:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then -- goes through all of the players stuff and if its not = to an instance or moddel or char is a dicendent of the workspace then
return false -- returns and breaks the following code and returns false
end -- this has checked whether the char is a char
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') -- finds the players char
local humanoidState = humanoid and humanoid:GetState() or Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead -- gets the humoids state
local humanoidRootPart = humanoid and humanoid.RootPart or nil -- gets the humanoid root part and humanoid
if humanoidState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead or not humanoidRootPart then -- if the humanoid is dead it runs the following
return false -- breaks the following code and returns false
end -- this has checked whether the character was alive
return true, humanoid, humanoidRootPart -- if the char we are talking abt is a actual char and is alive we return true
-- wait until we find a valid character
local function awaitCharacter(player) -- this block of code waits untill we find a valid char
if typeof(player) ~= 'Instance' or not player:IsA('Player') then -- checks if the player is not and instance or a player then do this
return nil -- return nil
end -- this has checked whether our plr was a real plr
local character -- sets a local variable named character
while not character do -- while character is nil do the following
if not player or not player:IsDescendantOf(Players) then -- if it is not a player or is a decendent of a players do the following
break -- breaks the code
end -- this has checked if the player is a okayer or a decend of players
local char = player.Character -- gets the plrs character
if not char then -- if char is nil then
player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- wait for the character to be added
continue -- then continues
end -- ends the if not statment
local valid = tryGetCharacterInstances(char) -- makes a var called valid that is just the char trying to get char instances
if not valid then -- if valid = nil then
RunService.Stepped:Wait() -- wait until the plr moves
continue -- continues
end -- this has waited until the character moves if valid = nil
character = char -- sets character to char
end -- this has found the characer
return character -- returns the character
end -- this has waited for the character
--[!] methods
local function createToolSlot(parent, index, keyCode) -- this creates the plrs tool slots
local position = index - math.ceil(TOOL_MAX_SLOTS*0.5) -- gets the possition we want this new slot
local frame ='ImageButton') -- creates a image button
frame.Name = 'Toolslot' .. index -- we name this image button toolslot(number of slot so for exp:Toolslot1)
frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(TOOL_SIZE, TOOL_SIZE) -- sets the frames size to the size we set above
frame.Position =, position*(TOOL_SIZE + TOOL_BORDER_OFFSET*0.5), 1, -TOOL_BOTTOM_OFFSET) -- sets the possition to some fancy stuff that just aligns with everything else
frame.AnchorPoint =, 1) -- sets the anchor point
frame.BorderSizePixel = 1 -- gives it a anchor point
frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0 -- sets the backround trancparency to visible
frame.Image = '' -- sets its image to nothing
frame.ImageTransparency = 1 -- sets the image transparency to invisible(1)
local posLabel ='TextLabel') -- creates a new lable
posLabel.Name = 'PositionLabel' -- names it "PositionLable"
posLabel.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(13, 13) -- sets its size
posLabel.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 0) -- sets its possition to 0,0
posLabel.AnchorPoint =, 0) -- sets its anchor point
posLabel.BorderSizePixel = 1 -- sets its boarder
posLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 -- makes the backround invisable
posLabel.Text = tostring(index) -- makes the text index which is 1,9 + 0 so it could look like 1 for example
posLabel.Parent = frame -- makes its parent to frame
local StackLabel ='TextLabel') -- creates a new lable
StackLabel.Name = 'StackLabel' -- names it "StackLabel"
StackLabel.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(13, 13) -- sets its size
StackLabel.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.8, 0.8) -- sets its possition to the bottom right corner of the frame
StackLabel.AnchorPoint =, 0) -- sets its anchor point
StackLabel.BorderSizePixel = 1 -- sets its boarder
StackLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 -- sets the backround invisisble
StackLabel.Transparency = 1 -- sets the label to invisible
StackLabel.Text = 0 -- sets its text to 0
StackLabel.Parent = frame -- sets its parent to frame
local toolLabel ='TextLabel') -- creates a new label
toolLabel.Name = 'ToolLabel' -- names it "toollabel"
toolLabel.Size =, 0, 0, 25) -- sets its size
toolLabel.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5) -- sets its position
toolLabel.AnchorPoint =, 0.5) -- sets its anchor point
toolLabel.BorderSizePixel = 1 -- sets its boarder
toolLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(0.98, 0.7, 0.75) -- sets the text collor to red
toolLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 -- sets its backround transparency
toolLabel.Text = '' -- sets its text to nothing
toolLabel.Parent = frame -- sets its parent to frame
toolLabel.TextScaled = true -- sets the textscaled to true
frame.Parent = parent -- sets the frames parent to the screen gui(parent)
return frame, toolLabel -- returns frame and toolLabel
end -- this created the players tool slots
-- used to check whether the tool is still within the
-- player's backpack / their character; and if not, will remove
-- it from the slots e.g. in cases where they pressed backspace to drop the tool
local function handleToolRemoval(player, toolSlots, object, connection) -- when the tool is being removed it does this
-- make sure we've not just equipped the tool
local character = player.Character -- sets a var named character to the pltd char
if object:IsDescendantOf(player) or (character and object:IsDescendantOf(character)) then -- if the object is a desendent of the player or character and is a descendantof the character it does the following
return -- returns the script
end -- this has checked if the object is a desendent of the player or character and is a descendantof the character and if it is it returns
-- find the tool slot so we can remove it
local toolSlot -- this makes a variable names toolSlot
for i = 1, TOOL_MAX_SLOTS, 1 do -- goes through all the tool slots
local slot = toolSlots[i] -- gets the toolslot
if slot.Tool == object then -- if the tool in the toolslot is == to the object(the tool) then
toolSlot = slot -- sets the toolslot to the slot
break -- breaks the code
-- Ive goten tired of noting every single line so ima stop noting every single line and only note the lines i feel are not obvious what they do(Sorry)
-- stop listening to this tool's ancestry since it's been not related to our player now
if connection and connection.Connected then
connection:Disconnect() -- disables the connection
local function RemoveToolSlot(toolSlot) -- starts a function names "RemoveToolSlot"
if toolSlot then -- if the toolslot is not == nil then
-- just resets the toolslot
toolSlot.Tool = nil
toolSlot.Label.Text = ''
-- used to add the tool to the next best slot
-- if not already present
local function handleToolAdded(player, toolSlots, object, FromCharacter) -- this handels when the tool is added
if not object:IsA('Tool') then
-- make sure we don't already exist
-- otherwise select next best empty slot
local CreateNewSlot = true
local NewItem = object.NewItem -- this is a value in all the items
if FromCharacter == true then -- multiple things fire for this so this would run 2 times instead it only runs when it fires from the char added (youl see later)
if NewItem.Value == true then -- if this is a new item that hasnt been picked up before (This makes sure when you togle(Equip And Unequip) an item it has just been picked up)
NewItem.Value = false -- says we have alr picked this up
for i,item in pairs(Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do -- runs through all the chars items to find the tool
if item:IsA("Tool") then
for i, S in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- runs through the guis children
if S:IsA("ImageButton") then -- checks if its a slot
if S.ToolLabel.Text == item.Name then -- checks if the item is equipted in the toolabel
S.StackLabel.Transparency = true
if S.StackLabel.Text == "0" then
S.StackLabel.Text = 2 -- adds 2 because it doesent count when you get 1 because it doesent play this (it has to do with the slot creation it creates a slot when the new item was Just added)
CreateNewSlot = false -- sets create new slot to false because we dont need a new slot
else -- if stackLabel.Text is ablove 0 then
S.StackLabel.Text = tonumber(S.StackLabel.Text) + 1 -- adds the Stacklabel text + 1
CreateNewSlot = false -- we dont need a new slot
if CreateNewSlot == true then -- checks if we need a new slot
local bestSlot -- sets a value names best slot
for i = 1, TOOL_MAX_SLOTS, 1 do -- loops through all the slots
local slot = toolSlots[i] -- finds the slot
if slot.Tool == object then -- if the slot is alr Ocupied we return
elseif not bestSlot and not slot.Tool then -- checks if the slot has no other item inside it
bestSlot = i -- sets the bestslot to i
if bestSlot then -- if we have a bestslot then
-- i.e. we're a new tool
-- gives the bestslot the properties of the item it needs
bestSlot = toolSlots[bestSlot]
bestSlot.Tool = object
bestSlot.Label.Text = object.Name
-- watch the ancestry of the object (i.e. it's parent)
-- to check when the player removes the tool from its backpack
-- and/or its character
local watchdog
watchdog = object.AncestryChanged:Connect(function ()
handleToolRemoval(player, toolSlots, object, watchdog)
--[!] setup
local player = Players.LocalPlayer -- makes a variable and sets it to player
local backpack = player:WaitForChild('Backpack') -- makes a variable and sets it to backpack
local character = awaitCharacter(player) -- makes a variable and sets it to the plrs character
local screenGui = script.Parent -- sets a variable and names it screengui
-- states
local toolSlots = table.create(TOOL_MAX_SLOTS) -- i.e. all of the tool slots
local toolSlotMap = { } -- i.e. a map between a keycode and a tool slot
local selectedToolSlot -- the tool slot we're trying to swap
local isChangingKeybinds = false -- whether we're trying to change our keybinds
-- set up our keybind slots
for i = 1, TOOL_MAX_SLOTS, 1 do -- loop through all the slots
-- get the KeyCode from the slot number
local keyCode
if i == TOOL_MAX_SLOTS then -- if i = the max slot then its keycode is == 0
else -- if i is not = max tool slots sets the keycode
-- set up the slot
local slot, toolLabel = createToolSlot(screenGui, i, keyCode)
-- append to our list
toolSlots[i] = { -- sets the tool slots up
Tool = nil,
Slot = slot,
Label = toolLabel,
ScreenGui = screenGui,
Index = i,
KeyCode = keyCode,
toolSlotMap[keyCode] = i
-- set up the listener
slot.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () -- if the slot is clicked
-- set the selected one to our current slot
-- if we aren't already trying to change it
if not isChangingKeybinds then -- if this is the first click it sets some things and returns
isChangingKeybinds = true
selectedToolSlot = i
-- if this is the secont time it swaps the the neccessary data between the 2 slots
local StackLabels = {screenGui.Toolslot1.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot2.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot3.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot4.StackLabel,screenGui.Toolslot5.StackLabel,
screenGui.Toolslot6.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot7.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot8.StackLabel,screenGui.Toolslot9.StackLabel, screenGui.Toolslot10.StackLabel}
-- swap our slots around
local swapSlot = toolSlots[selectedToolSlot]
local thisSlot = toolSlots[i]
-- swap our tool reference around
thisSlot.Tool, swapSlot.Tool = swapSlot.Tool, thisSlot.Tool
-- swap the label text around
thisSlot.Label.Text, swapSlot.Label.Text = swapSlot.Label.Text, thisSlot.Label.Text
-- swap the transparency around
StackLabels[i].Transparency, StackLabels[selectedToolSlot].Transparency = StackLabels[selectedToolSlot].Transparency, StackLabels[i].Transparency
-- swap the stack nums around
StackLabels[i].Text, StackLabels[selectedToolSlot].Text = StackLabels[selectedToolSlot].Text, StackLabels[i].Text
isChangingKeybinds, selectedToolSlot = false, nil
-- set up our input action(s)
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function (input, gameProcessed) -- when the player begins an imput it fires this
local inputType = input.UserInputType -- gets the imput type
if gameProcessed or inputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
-- ignore if we're dead
local isValid, humanoid = tryGetCharacterInstances(character)
if not isValid then -- if we cant get the characters instances it just returns
-- try to get the slot from the keycode and ignore if it doesn't exist
local keyCode = input.KeyCode -- just sets the keycode
local slotIndex = toolSlotMap[keyCode] -- gets the imputs with the keycodes
local toolSlot = slotIndex and toolSlots[slotIndex] or nil -- gets the toolslots and slotIndex
if keyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then -- when the player clicks Q
for i, Item in pairs(Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do -- runs through all the chars items
if Item:IsA("Tool") then -- if its a tool do the following
for i, ItemSlot in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- goes through the screen gui
if ItemSlot:IsA("ImageButton") then -- if its an slot then
if ItemSlot.ToolLabel.Text == Item.Name then -- if the toolabel.text = to the items name then(in other words if the slot is ocupied by the item)
if tonumber(ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text) == 0 then -- if stacklabel is 0 then we just reset the slot
ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text = 0
for i, Item in pairs(Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren() and Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do -- go through all the players tools
if Item:IsA("Tool") then
if Item.Name == ItemSlot.ToolLabel.Text then -- if its a stacked item then we reset some stuff
toolSlots[tonumber(ItemSlot.PositionLabel.Text)].Label.Text = ""
toolSlots[tonumber(ItemSlot.PositionLabel.Text)].Tool = nil
Item:Destroy() -- Replace this with what you want to do I.E sell the item or drop the item (realy whatever you want)
humanoid:UnequipTools() -- unequipt the players tools
elseif tonumber(ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text) == 2 then -- else if its == 2 then we set it the propertys of if you had 1 item
ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text = 0
ItemSlot.StackLabel.Transparency = 1
elseif tonumber(ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text) >= 2 then -- else if it just subtracts 1 from the stacklabel
ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text = tonumber(ItemSlot.StackLabel.Text) - 1
if not toolSlot then -- if there isnt a toolslot being ocupied it just returns
-- if we haven't got a tool for this slot we can ignore it
local tool = toolSlot.Tool
if not tool then -- if there isnt a toolslot.Tool being ocupied it just returns
-- equip it if we're not using it;
-- otherwise unequip it
if tool.Parent ~= character then -- if the tools parent isnt character (its not equipt)
humanoid:EquipTool(tool) -- it equips the tool
else -- if its equipt then we just unequipt it
-- set up our listener(s)
-- - we need to make sure we look at those already
-- in the backback too
-- - we also need to make sure any tools added to the char
-- via pickup get added
for _, object in next, backpack:GetChildren() do -- runs through all the players backpacks chidren
handleToolAdded(player, toolSlots, object, false) -- fires tool added
backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function (object) -- when a item is added to the backpack it fires this
handleToolAdded(player, toolSlots, object, false) -- fires tool added
character.ChildAdded:Connect(function (object) -- when a new item is equipt and added to the character it fires this
handleToolAdded(player, toolSlots, object, true) -- fires tool added