Elttob Relight — laser-fast light painting

This is up there with the most useful plugins, can’t wait to see what else you come up with.


Thanks for the kind words! I’m also looking forward to showing you everything else in store. :slight_smile:


Elttob Relight 1.1.0 is live now. Release notes:

This minor version introduces keyboard shortcuts for power users.

• Press Tab to switch between dragging the Sun and Moon
• Press Ctrl + (number) to switch modes (Direct, Face, Bounce…)
• Press G to toggle gizmos

These are currently hardcoded via UserInputService, as PluginActions do not support default key bindings. However, it’s possible that PluginAction support could be explored in the future.

If you have thoughts on this, feedback would be appreciated over on the Elttob Relight DevForum thread. Thank you :slight_smile:

UPDATE: There is a known issue where the Transform tool sometimes eats the Ctrl+5 keybind. See this thread for more info.


Amazing work as always eltobb. Best lighting plugin in my toolbox.


That’s music to my ears, thanks!


As a builder, lighting was never my specialty. However this is a huge upgrade! (Unfortunately I can’t afford to but it currently with the economy) however this is definitely on my studio need list. Excellent job!


Thank you! I hope that it helps whenever you do get your hands on it :slight_smile:


Its a good plugin with solid features, been using it a good amount, but I will say it just isnt worth 20 USD, its just way to much for the features it offers. All in all, solid plugin, too expensive. Especially when you put in perspective most people on this platform dont have that money. Not hating, because the plugin is great, but its just not worth the money.


However this is a huge upgrade! (Unfortunately I can’t afford to but it currently with the economy)

You could try Elttob’s Access Anywhere program. It’s a very good way to get it as I’ve just recieved a key. Also thanks @Elttob!


No problem! Happy to have helped you out.


Was one of the lucky ones to get access via access anywhere, and man this is just, something else, everything just works and really makes doing lighting super easy

Once i get a chance im going to attempt to properly buy it, thanks for this Elttob, you deserve the praise


Any time I click the link to see the devforum post in the Atmos plugin’s description, it takes me here. Is this and Atmos combined? Edit: I feel silly now, as it seems I was clicking on the wrong link :sweat_smile:

I am unfortunately incredibly broke and do not have $20, I only have $0.55… When I get the money, however, I will gladly purchase this plugin. I work on realism showcases as of right now, so it will greatly help me.

Just wish Roblox didn’t make the creator store USD only… :rage:


Haha no worries, I think a while back it actually was the wrong link. I went back and fixed it after someone else let me know it wasn’t right. :stuck_out_tongue:

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So I got the plugin and here’s my opinion on it:

The big win for this plugin is the gorgeous UI. I love the subtle effects that feel responsive and snappy at the same time. Definitely the main thing that makes this plugin feel premium. But besides that there’s nothing that this offers that the free alternative doesn’t. And if anything lacks features compared to it.

First off there’s no customization to it. The only setting available is a setting that does not need to exist. The “detailed” gizmos should just be default behavior (besides the line tool). The right side should be a settings button that opens a panel that at minimum allows you to change the color scheme, which you know… the free alternative does.

Another thing that bothers me is the shadow dragging tool. I don’t like the behavior that I must be clicking on a shadow for it to work. Which makes total sense on paper, but feels annoying to work with. I’m going to be making many micro adjustments and looking at the scene from different angles to see if i like it, making sure I am clicking on a shadow is a small inconvenience that gets frustrating over time. And again, the free alternative doesn’t restrict you in this way.

The plugin is overall great but it is disappointing, especially for the price. Im going to uninstall this in favor for EzLight solely for issues here. If your thinking of coughing up 20 bucks for this and you feel as if you would prefer this over the free alternative, then go ahead. But alteast let this make your decision more informed.

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ll address the points each in turn.

That’s good to hear!

I actually made the gizmos optional in direct response to feedback. A lot of people want as few intrusions on the scene as possible, especially for small spaces, so I made sure it was optional.

Settings are in the works already, but it’s a lot more nuanced than adding a single settings panel detached from everything. I’m working really hard on standards for settings sync to ensure that customisation you make can automatically be picked up by other plugins (remember that I’m making a suite of plugins - have to take the long view!). In addition I’m heavily consulting with others on accessibility right now to ensure that customisations adequately meet the needs of people with reduced vision capabilities.

I don’t have anything to announce around all of this yet - this could still be far future - but I’ll share some of the early design work that’s been going into the settings panel thus far so you don’t have to believe some vacuous words about it.

This comes down to the specific internals of the Shadow tool. In order to know how to adjust the angle, the tool needs to know the position of the object casting the shadow you’re trying to modify. There’s actually no well defined solution for this when an object is not in shadow - whatever solution other plugins have is probably questionable physics at best. I can work on perhaps some bidirectional ray casting method to try and get something useful? It’s not really something that you should expect though, because what exactly should the behaviour be for a shadow mode when you’re not moving a shadow? Where is the angle derived from? I’d be interested to hear about how you would want this to be derived - I could perhaps add it as a option.


First of all, congratulations, the plugin is exceptional, it makes you want to wait for the new ones coming.

However, there’s a noticeable hiccup with the integration into the Product Hub that could be improved. When any interaction is made with the toolbar, the Product Hub closes automatically, disrupting the workflow and becoming a nuisance if we need to activate and deactivate the plugin frequently (it will be an even bigger issue when more plugins will come to the suite). Also, once Relight is launched, the button should ideally switch from “Launch” to “Close” or a similar term to reflect the current state of the plugin. This change would clarify that users can close the application directly from the Hub without looking for other options.


I will 100% get this when I have the chance to buy it!

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Thank you so much!

I can look into making this behaviour optional.

That is also a good idea :slight_smile:


This is awesome! Currently I don’t have a use for it but do you think Light support (like a spot light) will be added sometime in the future?

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I’m currently in the process of sketching out designs for it! Nothing to announce anytime soon - so I wouldn’t buy this on the expectation that it’ll be updated next week or whatever - but it is absolutely on my radar. Expect some unexpected features is all I’ll say for now :slight_smile:

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