Email notifications for Team Create invites

Hey, can someone maybe fix the email spamming issue?

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Simple fix:


Hi everyone,

We appreciate you trying out the feature. However, some of you flagged that you are receiving a number of unintended emails. We apologize for the inconvenience.

For the time being, we are disabling all email notifications until further notice (both edit and play permissions).

We will figure out another solution and update you soon.

Thank you.


Thank you for the very rapid response :happy1:


Are we going to get the ability to add groups in collaborate for group games and not just user places? I’ve noticed you can add groups in user places but not for group and this would be incredibly useful for QA purposes.

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Hey @younite, sorry this happened to your group. This was not intended. Could you pm me the group link / forward me one of the emails that you believe were spammed? We actually do have a upper limit on how many emails can be sent at the same time. And 2000 is way above that.


This is the group:

I am unsure if all 2000 members in the group received an email, but many people in the Discord server were complaining about the emails.


I was reading this announcement and was quite intrigued by it - it seemed like a pretty nice to have feature until I read that giving a group Play permissions to your game sends an email to every single one of its members. As others have mentioned, the potential for abuse of this feature was obviously quite high, and now look where we are. I’m surprised Roblox didn’t consider the potential for bad actors before releasing this feature. :thinking:


I feel like the notifications area on the Roblox home page is probably a better place to put these.
I don’t really see the point of this notifications tab since it only ends up getting spam from friends inviting me to games and friend requests from random people I don’t want to be friends with.


Can we have an option to disable getting Emails for invites and disable sending emails for invites?

I can see a problematic future where people make fake emails for phishing purposes


I agree with @Glitchifyed , the homepage would be the perfect place to put these notifications. This would remove the spam aspect, and would still let you easily see the message.

The notification could look something like the below.
Screen Shot 2023-10-19 at 6.13.51 PM


ok cool but do I want to be able to see what the others edited like a change history or a before -> after tab or something
people can just copy my experience without me acknowledging it, they can also edit, delete, and add scripts without my permission and leak them


That is just the vision I had! Good job with the image, I think if this was implemented it would much better than random email spam.


Cool, but… what happened to team create notifications in the website inbox?


Thank you for the feedback on this feature! Given the frequency of non-friends giving Play access to others users, we’ve decided to further restrict the email notifications that can be sent on Play permissions:

  • Email notifications on Play access will be sent only when the Experience owner is a friend (both for individual-owned and group-owned experiences).
  • You can choose to not receive Play notifications even from friends.

We plan to add more controls and improvements to customize your email notifications in the future. Please leave any thoughts and suggestions below. Additionally, in the future there will be other channels you can choose to receive these notifications in, such as Webhooks and Studio Notifications.

The below post has been updated to reflect the change above.


hi @ZoeTheGameMaker , @Glitchifyed , there is ongoing work to enable a Studio Notification Tray that will show these creator-related notifications, similar to what you’ve drawn up there :slight_smile: The goal is to have different channels that creators can choose to receive notifications that they need.


That sounds like it would work! I’m excited to see what you do to make this a better feature!

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