Email notifications for Team Create invites

[Update] October 26, 2023

[Update] October 18, 2023

Hello Creators,

We’re excited to announce email notifications for Team Create users that inform you when your access permissions for an experience change. Your collaborators can now immediately see invites to edit in Team Create or to playtest your experience! By adding real-time notifications about changes in your work, we hope to increase transparency in your collaboration and accelerate your development.

Add your email to your Roblox account to start receiving these email notifications. If you already have an email associated with your account, you will be automatically enrolled and can turn off notifications (explained below).

What triggers the email notifications?

As an owner of an experience, you can manage who has access to Team Create by clicking on the blue “Collaborate” button in the top right corner of Studio:

If you are the owner of an experience, email notifications will be sent to your collaborators when you (Updated on October 26, 2023):

  • Add individual collaborators Add/remove friends to the experience and give them Edit or Play access
  • Give a Group Play access to the experience (the Group members who are your friends will be notified)
  • Remove collaborators or Groups from the experience
  • Change the access permission level of a collaborator friend

When giving Play access to users or Groups, only users who are friends with the experience owner granting access will receive email notifications.

If the experience is owned by a Group, these actions will trigger email notifications:

  • Change a Group role’s access permission level to a specific experience through the Manage Collaborator dialog in Studio
  • Add or remove individual users and give them Play access

Note: This release enables email notifications triggered through collaborator management in Studio only. It doesn’t include notifications for changes made directly to a Group’s Role via the Group page on For example, users won’t be notified if you reassign a member to a different Role in the Group, or if you change a Role’s permission to “Create and edit group experiences.” We plan to enable Group-related notifications in the future.

What does the email notification look like?

The email will let users know who changed their access permissions to an experience. Users will also see a button that will route them directly to the Experience when given access.

  • “Open in Studio” button will be displayed if the user is given Edit permissions to an experience
  • “Play on Roblox” button will be displayed if the user is given Play permissions

Note: Clicking on Open in Studio currently takes you to the Creator Dashboard, which then redirects you to Studio. We are working on an improvement that will deep-link you directly into Studio when you click on the button in the email.

How can I control what I receive emails for?

If you would like to stop receiving email notifications, you can configure your preferences on Creator Dashboard > Settings > Notifications:


Under Notifications, go to the Experience Permissions and choose whether to receive emails when your Edit or Play permissions have changed on any experiences. You can also click on Manage Preferences in the email to navigate to the same Notification preferences page.

Under Notifications, go to the Experience Permissions and choose whether to receive emails when:

  • Someone gives you Edit permissions on an experience
  • A friend gives you Play permissions on an experience

You can also click on Manage Preferences in the email to navigate to the same Notification preferences page.

Additionally, you will not receive notifications from users whom you have blocked.

What’s Next?

  • Deep-linking directly into Studio from email: Your collaborators with Edit permissions to an experience will be able to click on a button in the email notification to navigate directly to the experience inside Studio.
  • Webhooks: We are planning to enable webhook notifications for Team Create permission changes. You’ll be able to integrate these notifications into tools like Discord or Slack.

We also want to hear what other types of real-time notifications are important to you and your collaborators! Please leave your comments and thoughts below.

Many thanks to the wonderful team: @jebyoon @flyingbutter2008 @wingedbreadsticks, @potatoprank, @Kresselia1, @vreddym, @yipiokay, @lovedanihonjin


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Email notifications are a good addition towards a professional toolkit. Would love to see notification emails based on automated insights as well!

For example, Google Analytics warns me if my website traffic is out of the usual margin. Roblox could do something similar, such as:

  • Much more players than expected (-> wake-up call for growth opportunities)
  • Sales/engagement abruptly dropped (-> is there a game breaking bug?)
  • Weekly summary of performance → what went well and what can be improved?

A nice quality-of-life feature. Very happy that you can opt out of it if you’d like.


Yeah I agree, it’s something small but pretty nice


I don’t like this feature. I feel like if I wanted someone to add me or I added someone, I would tell them first / tell me first before adding me.

I don’t need more clutter in my inbox. Is this enabled by default or do you have to opt in?


The email notification controls seem weak. I’d like to prevent random people from being able to trigger emails to me, yet still receive emails for experiences which I actively collaborate on (those that I willingly joined - not spam invited to). As in, I’d like to receive emails if the game/group is owned by my Roblox friends. It’s all or nothing right now.

For context, people are adding Roblox groups as collaborators, of well known games, and are able to email our entire team right now.



Great now I am getting spammed :confused:


What if multiple accounts are linked to one email?

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As a commissioner, email notifications can be a drawback when you must receive invitations to games to perform your work. However, you can organize them by creating an email label. Though it’s a helpful feature, the potential for spam is a significant disadvantage.

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I have been spammed multiple times by this, my group with over 2000 members was spammed and apparently everybody was sent an email.

Why is this on by default? 2000 of those users are not all developers and would care about what team create is.


This is a good update. I like being spammed my personal email.


This feature is pretty cool, but undeniably needs further refinement. Currently, theres little cooldown with its use and it sems like the permission required for such operation is very low. I’ve already gotten spammed a bit and some groups like RDC have also been spammed.
cool to see how this turns out after more refinement, but currently I don’t think its suitable for public release until further refinement.


I was testing this feature earlier and noticed that it sends multiple emails for each action, which means that people’s inboxes are being spammed even more then they already are. I added a role and then removed it, and the users within had received multiple emails (sometimes minutes after I performed the action). I also experienced this myself.


annoying update, and randos can invite me to a team create? I dont want that


since you can invite groups there a group user limit that won’t send emails? Eg. 10k members and they won’t get emailed


I love the idea of getting email notifications but I would like have finer-grain controls to prevent spam (only getting an email when I’m given access by someone I follow or someone I’m friends with, or to a game under a group I’m already in).


I just tested this on a friend’s group, there is no cap on members you can send an invite (and subsequently an email) to, even past 1 million members. This should have restrictions placed on it ASAP.


The spam didn’t take long…
In my opinion, people who have a base rank or no rank in a group and they add/remove a rank’s permission in a experience, it should not send a email.
Such a simple check like that would prevent this.


not so great an idea, super easy to spam people

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