Email verification does not work

I am trying to change and verify the email of an alt account and the email verification does not work. It sends the verification email over and over but clicking on it does nothing

I believe this could be because I made a typo in my email originally when pressing “change email” and the “Change email” button does nothing.

Expected behavior

I should be able to verify my alt

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Hi Charlie -

Checked on my end the verification flow works for me :thinking:

  • I made a typo in my email originally when pressing "change email" and the "Change email" button does nothing." - does it mean no verification was sent when you click the button?
  • " change and verify the email of an alt account" - do you have many account? Could you double check are opening link for the right account? Need to be the same account as your current logged in account.
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FYI just a little forum tip, you can highlight text and press “Quote” to quote it directly in your reply rather than copy-pasting :wink:


It sends an updated email to the email I put into “change email” but verifying with that email it sends doesn’t change the account to verified, its still waiting for the verification email sent to the typo email to be used

iirc the verify link verifies even if you arent logged into the account as i’ve verified while logged onto other accounts in the past but this time I was 100% logged into the account.

The flow I did to get to this point was:

  1. Log into an old account from 5 years ago that is still on a very old email
  2. Change the email from my old one, made a typo
  3. Pressed “change email” on the “Email needs verified!” popup in settings since I realized I made a typo
  4. Verify with that email while logged in to said account
  5. After nothing happened I opened settings again and pressed “Verify” and it didn’t send the email to my email address and the number of * present still matches the typo email
  6. Repeat from step 3 until I had clicked on a verify link and been told I was verified around 5 times

Hi Charlie thanks for clarifying the flow -


  1. you first click “Change” email and submit an email with a typo
  2. then immediate click “Update” again, type in the correct email
  3. receive verification email in the correct email address, verified
  4. however when going back to your profile page it still shows “needs verify” → maybe with the typo email address

Are these correct?

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That is correct, im pretty sure it had the typo email when i went back into settings to since whenever I pressed “Update” and put in the correct email it added an asterisk

Got it thanks charlie, looking into this.

Hi charlie - could you try changing the email to the one you hope to use & verify?

I think the issue should be fixed now, once you do that you should be able to see the newest email as verified (instead of asking you to verify the typo email). Let me know, thanks!

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It worked! It let me update & verify the email now

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