Embedding a TextBox ContentText

Hiya, me again. This time I am trying to get my discord embed to show my “ContentText” value on my TextBox, I’ve tried tostring() but that doesn’t seem to work, I’ve also tried doing UI.blahblah.ContentText but also no luck.

Any resolutions would be greatly appreciated.

local webhookURL = Configuration:GetAttribute("webhookURL")
			local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

			local data2 = {
				["embeds"] = {{
					["title"] = "**New Review**",
					["description"] =  "You've received a new review.",
					["color"] = tonumber(0xFFFAFA),
					['url'] = "https://www.roblox.com/games/"..game.PlaceId,
					["fields"] = {
							["name"] = "Rating",
							["value"] = "Unhappy",
							["inline"] = false
							["name"] = "Further Details",
							["value"] = tostring(UI.background.choice.comments.Text),
							["inline"] = false
			local finaldata2 = http:JSONEncode(data2)

i dont think this makes much sense so i apologise to anyone who helps me with this