Emergency Response: Liberty County 02/24/2024 Update Log

🌠 New Features!

:cherry_blossom: Snow Removed
The river has thawed, snow has melted, and skies have cleared!

:wrench: Stealing Vehicles
Criminals are now able to steal vehicles around the map! Vehicles will spawn in different locations throughout the map with an icon indicating it is able to be stolen. Head to the tool store to grab a crowbar, stop by the mod shop to see if an ECU Hacking device is available, and head to the vehicle to break in! You will have to complete 2 minigames to be able to drive off with the vehicle. While optional, you can use the ECU Hacking tool to discover hidden easter eggs and alter the vehicle’s behavior. Beware, the vehicle’s location will be pinged to everyone across the map, giving a chance for somebody to intercept you! You can sell the vehicle at the Chop Shop, located near the County Jail, by speaking to Eddie.


Stealable Vehicle

Chop Shop

:cloud: ER:LC API Private Server Pack
Private server owners are now able to connect a bot to their in-game server! By using any of the pre-approved communication server bots made by members in the community, server owners will be able to view real-time information about their server, run remote commands, and more! The sky is truly the limit when it comes to the complexity of features that are able to be made from this API. Server owners are able to purchase the private server pack from the “Owned Servers” tab of the private server menu. Follow instructions from the bot you choose.

Currently, the supported public bots are: Melonly, ERM, and Trident. A huge thanks to those 3 bots, their developers, and the early access communities who helped us test the API functionality over the past several weeks. They have helped shaped the API to what it is today.

For anyone with a reputable bot who is interested in applying to be approved as a public bot, see our communication server’s support channel. Anyone is able to use the API as a private bot for a single server which is reflected by the rate limits. The API documentation is available in our communications server announcements.

:droplet: Water Pump
Firefighters are now able to use any body of water as a supply source for their trucks! By using a water pump, you are now able to run water from any water source to the water pump, and supply your truck to fight the fiercest of fires!

:newspaper: Newspapers
Newspaper vending machines are now located throughout the map! Stay up to date with the latest Liberty County news by reading the paper. Postal workers are able to refill these machines to keep the community informed.

Go check out these awesome features!

🔎 Bug Fixes & Improvements!

  • New traffic light signal models
  • Added new security cameras for police to watch. Police can no longer watch red light cameras
  • Added an option to invite your friends to the game from the Mafia menu
  • Several bug fixes

Let us know what you think of this update in our chat server, and please report any bugs in the dedicated bug reports channel. Be sure to check out the game to experience this awesome update.
Full credits for the game can be found here