Emergency Response: Liberty County 3/20/2022 Update Log

New Features

Bank Money Truck: Introducing a new truck for the Bank of River City! Bank workers can now have weapons purchased from the civilian gun store. Randomly, there will be a cash pick-up and drop off delivery! Workers will be able to grab their truck and safely transport the cash between the bank and a business. If they successfully complete the delivery, they will earn a percentage of the bank’s cash load! Civilians in a mafia are able to stop the truck at all costs, plant an explosive on the back, and rob the truck of all of its loot! 2 bank workers must be on to spawn the call.

In-Car ALPR/Radar: We’ve heard your requests! All police/sheriff vehicles now have an in-car radar automatically equipped. You will be able to get the speed of a vehicle in front or behind you, and their direction of travel. You can click the red top speed box to clear it. If you have the ALPR (Automated License Plate Reader) equipped, it is now functional! You can now automatically read a vehicle’s plates as long as you are not going faster than 30mph. The vehicle’s information will pop up, including if the driver is wanted.


Helicopter Patrol: The patrol mode for the police/sheriff helicopter has changed! It will still randomly patrol around the map, but as soon as it sees a suspect it will pursue them until they are arrested! If you originally targeted a suspect, the helicopter will default to this mode after the suspect is arrested.

New Weapons: The police/sheriff teams have received an FN Five-Seven pistol! Civilians have received a KRISS Vector SMG and a LMT L129A1 rifle.

Go check out these awesome features!

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Supervisor livery is now on the 2008 Tahoe
  • After you run out of gas/catch your vehicle on fire, it will no longer keep driving randomly
  • Fixed the bug where you were unable to respawn after getting downed after you were revived
  • Removed “R to get up” when you are downed
  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements

Let us know what you think of this update in our chat server, and please report any bugs in the dedicated bug reports channel. Be sure to check out the game to experience this awesome update.
Thanks to the following for making these amazing updates happen:

mrfergie – Lead Developer
Shawnyg – Senior Developer
LostInfinity – Community Manager
PRC Contributors
PRC Testers