Emergency Response: Liberty County - 4/23/21 Update Log

New Features

  • Shooting Down Helicopter: Criminals can now shoot down the Police and Sheriff helicopters. You’ll want to gather your criminal friends to help you, because it can take a lot of damage before it comes crashing down! All guns except the shotgun can shoot the helicopter. The machine gun has the best range.

  • SWAT Vests Block Damage: The SWAT vests now block 15% of gun damage. Many users may not know that the Riot Shield also blocks 30% of gun damage. These two can be combined for a total of 45% gun damage blocking.

  • Local Settings: We’ve added a gear icon at the top right of your screen which will open your local settings. Local settings are settings that will only change your game. (Similar to the built-in Roblox settings like volume and graphics.) We’ve added this so you can customize your game based on your personal preferences and PC performance. We will be adding more local settings soon. Read below for a list of the current local settings.

  • FOV Effects: When you’re driving over about 50 MPH, your field of view will expand as you go faster for a cool speed effect.

Current Local Settings:

  • Max siren distance: This setting determines how far away you will hear sirens. There is a minimum distance so you can hear the emergency vehicles near you. Only turn this way up if you’re insane.
  • Toggle overhead combat indicator: This settings determines whether or not you will see a combat icon over other players who are combat-enabled. We recommend only turning this off if you’re familiar with the game.
  • Toggle interaction hints: You can toggle the interaction hints on/off. These are the icons we recently added which show when you’re near an interaction.
  • Toggle car auto flipping: This determines whether or not your car will automatically flip when upside down. You can turn this off for roleplay. Manually flip your car by pressing F.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Added keybind F to flip your vehicle.
  • Removed the Metaverse Event.
  • Added interaction hints for buying houses.
  • Added notifications telling you how to repair damaged cars.
  • Lowered house prices.
  • Fixed the delete spotlight option to say GAMEPASS.

Let us know what you think of this update in our chat server, and please report any bugs in the dedicated bug reports channel. Be sure to check out the game to experience this awesome update.
Thanks to the following for making these amazing updates happen:

mrfergie – Lead Developer
Shawnyg – Senior Developer
LostInfinity – Community Manager
Infectalite – Developer
PRADA_23 – Modeler
PRC Testers