Emergency Response: Liberty County 5/23/19 Update Log

New Features

  • Persistent Loadout: Team loadouts (uniforms and gear from the lockers) will now save through respawns. You no longer need to equip your tools every time you respawn.

  • C1 Corvette: The original 1950’s era Corvette model has been added as a classic car. This is only available for purchase by players with the “Classic Cars” gamepass. If you do not have this pass already, it offers several classic sporty cars at low prices.

  • Dodge Dart: This affordable yet sporty car has been added.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • All police cars have been given a 20% power increase.

  • New traffic camera sound by popular demand. Quieter and softer.

  • Reduced stop stick timer to 90 seconds.

  • Improved loading screen times for slower devices.

  • Fixed an issue with some false bans. If you would like to make a ban appeal, message our Community Manager LostInfinity.


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