Emergency Response: Liberty County - Summer Update Guide


This is the full guide on everything coming to the Summer Update for Emergency Response: Liberty County. If you haven’t seen the trailer for this update, check it out below! The update will be live on Friday, June 25th (US time). The game will be free to play once the update drops!

New Features

  • Roleplay Jobs: There are now jobs available to work on the Civilian team! There are only 4 jobs in this release, but more will come in the future. Jobs will have uniforms, tools, and vehicles. You can roleplay freely on the job. Jobs will give you Job Points and increased paychecks! The current job content is below:

    • Farmer: This job is located at the barn. Three tools include a shovel, rake, and gardener. Three farmer outfits. The only vehicle for this job is the tractor.
    • Postal Worker: This job is located at the new Post Office. You can collect packages from the back of the Post Office and deliver them to houses. One uniform is available. The only vehicle is the mail truck.
    • Hospital Worker: This job is located at the new Hospital. There are a few medical tools on this job. Two uniforms, for nurse and doctor. This job does not have a vehicle.
    • Gas Station Worker: This job is located at both gas stations. The only tool on this job is a foam gun for washing cars. There are two uniforms on this job - clerk and truck driver. The only vehicle for this job is a fuel tanker.
  • Matchmaking Servers: In the Servers tab of the menu, you will see a new Matchmaking page. Matchmaking servers group similarly skilled players into the same servers. These servers are divided into 3 Tiers. Each tier is limited to a certain amount of XP and playtime. This ensures that only experienced players can join higher tier servers. As servers fill up, new servers will automatically be generated. Data WILL save in these servers, just like regular servers.

  • New Civilian Guns: All old gun models are removed, and replaced with new guns! Here’s the full list:

    • Beretta M9 (pistol)
    • Colt M1911 (pistol)
    • LeMat Revolver (pistol) (paid supporters only)
    • AK47 (auto rifle)
    • Remington 870 (shotgun)
    • Skorpion vz 61 (smg)
    • M14 (semiauto rile)
    • Remington MSR (semiauto rifle/sniper) (gamepass)
    • PPSh-41 (machine gun) (gamepass)
  • Big Guns Gamepass: The old “Machine Gun” gamepass is now called “Big Guns.” If you already bought this, you will NOT have to buy it again. This gamepass will give you the following guns (we will add more guns for this pass in future updates):

    • Remington MSR
    • PPSh-41
  • Car Wash & Dirty Cars: On CIVILIAN CARS ONLY, dirt will now accumulate on your cars as you drive off road. You can clean the car by driving through the car wash (cost $10), or by having a gas station employee spray it with the foam gun (free). This does not work for team nor job vehicles yet (due to Roblox decal bug). The car wash is added to the county gas station only.

  • Tier Restriction for Private Servers: You can now restrict access to your private server by XP and playtime. You can select a restriction of Tier 1-3. Players who want to join your server will have to have enough XP and playtime. This is a premium setting only.

  • New Car Chassis Scripts: The back-end scripts have been updated for all vehicles. This should result in less bugs! Otherwise, vehicles should operate the same as before.

  • Dynamic Gas Prices: Gas prices will now change randomly (within a set range). Prices will also be different between the two gas stations. There will be signs in front of the gas stations indicating the price, so you can check before pumping!

  • Paid Access Supporter Perks: If you purchased ER:LC before it was free to play, will you receive exclusive perks for your support! Click here to see the perks.

    • Mercedes C-Class Sedan (free, exclusive access)
    • LeMat Revolver (exclusive access)
    • $50,000 game cash (automatic on join)
    • Game badge (automatic on join)

Below are images of many new features:

Job Images

Gun Images

Beretta M9:


Colt M1911:



LeMat Revolver:




Remington 870:

Remington MSR:

Skorpion vz 61:

Other Images

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Better lighting visuals
  • Refreshed some buildings in the city, added business signs
  • Fixed bug where chat sometimes breaks after respawning
  • Fixed Fabarm FP6 Pumping
  • Fixed bug with medic bag and accessories
  • Fixed bug where some parts of vehicles would appear black in the spawn GUI
  • Updated mouse sensitivity for 1st person gun usage (ADS)
  • Changed prices of things in the game (basically lowered everything to reflect real life better)

Frequently Asked Questioned

How do I start a job?
Drive to the job location. There will be a neon gold circle which you will walk up to and press E to start working. Jobs are NOT teams. Jobs can only be done on the Civilian team.

What do I have to do on a job?
You are free to roleplay your job work however you want to. You are given tools, uniforms, and vehicles to roleplay the job! Only the mail job has built-in tasks.

Can I own guns on a job?
No. This is to prevent abuse by criminals, and to enhance job RP. You will also be booted from the job if you become wanted.

Are the job tools, uniforms, and vehicles free?
Tools and uniforms are free. Job vehicles will cost game cash, but they are not very expensive. Tools will automatically be given to you when you start the job.

How do I change job uniforms?
Most jobs will offer multiple uniforms. You will automatically be put in the default uniform once you start the job. You can go to the clothing rack at your job to change uniforms. You cannot wear custom uniforms on a job.

How do I spawn a vehicle for jobs?
If a job has a vehicle, there will be a vehicle spawner at the job location. Use this spawner to spawn your job vehicle. You cannot spawn civilian vehicles here, nor can you spawn the job vehicle at civ spawn.

Will I get paid for being on a job? What are Job Points?
Yes, you will get paid extra money just for being on a job! Job Points will be rewarded simply for being on the job, similar to how XP works for the teams. Job Points are for leaderboards only at this time, and serve no purpose other than bragging rights.

What are the job vehicles?

  • Farmer Vehicle (1): Farm Tractor 5100M
  • Postal Vehicle (1): Mail Truck
  • Gas Station Vehicle (1): Fuel Tanker
  • No vehicles on the Hospital job