Emilio's ragdoll module (Easy ahh ragdolls R15 and R6)

Hello and welcome,
In this topic i will explain how to use my module and how u can create ragdolls in 1 line of code.



    1. So start by getting my module : The module
    1. Once u did install it, i would recommend adding it in replicatedStorage
    1. Unpack the module (Subfolder parented to the module)

We can for example make a ragdoll on part hit, for that we can use the 3 functions the module has. Those are:

  • Ragdoll()
  • Unragdoll()
  • TimedRagdoll()
  • NpcRagdoll()

What are they for?

  • The “Ragdoll()” one is used when u manually want to ragdoll a player, u need to pass in a character and nothing more.

  • The “Unragdoll()” is used when u want to unragdoll the plr. Pass in a character.

  • The “TimedRagdoll()” is byfar my most common used one. It takes 2 paramaters:
    the character and the amount of seconds the ragdoll is playing.

So making a ragdoll on touch is very easy.

In a serverscript in a part:

local part = script.Parent
local module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["Ragdoll Module"])

local amSec = 4

local deb = false -- debounce

	local char = hit.Parent
	local humanoid : Humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 and not deb then
		deb = true
		module.TimedRagdoll(char, amSec)
		task.wait(amSec + 1)
		deb = false

How it looks like.
this is ofc a very simple example, you can also utilise this in combat systems and other projects.


Update V1.2: Removed screenShake for R6
Update V1.3: Removed the fact that every player ragdolled : )
Update V1.4: Added npc support! And made remote event easier to add
Update V1.5 Fixed npc and fixed functionality
Update V1.6 Fixed head spasms
Update V1.7 Fixed NPCS. Make sure to add a debounce on the :RagdollNpc()
Update V1.8 Further improvements
Update V1.9 Fixed overal smoothness and fixed R15

Extra info
The original forum: Forum
The youtube video i have made going into the functions and stuff: Yt video

Thanks for reading.

Would you implement this into one of your projects?
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  • No
  • We will see

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Questions? Let me know.


Very concise instructions :+1:

gooi iroond em status din repstorage

gooi die local in de gui en dan moet je blij zin wwant dan ghet  je enge dingen gedaan en dan benm je enge pro wees blij
want je hebt succesvol een enge round system in je game en dan kan je lekker blij zijn!@!@@!!!!
lucky jij dat je deze heb gevonden wlol enge pro lololololololololololololololoolololololo

Oke stap 2 je gaat een fodler maken i nworkspace ne noem het spawns ofzo of iets ja jajajaj
ebn dan wil je het in workspace ne dan blij zij n lolololool
GHOeie guy holy hsfj89ir Shimpande fjm ir{(F oiFnd fijnsd )}
Finj jdasty je me bundele gebruik,t je bent nu een enge pro lol

Door Emilio inelkaar gemaakt lol o;o;o;ol;olololololooliolulikyjhgfvi7yeru

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oh damn, I must’ve linked the wrong module, did u get the module from the link? It should bring you to the ragdoll module instead of some random other thing I made and published.


Nah the link is good :+1:

I got carried away looking at your other modules that showed up in the “more by emilio” section and thought that instructions script was funny and couldn’t stop myself from replying with it😅. I’ll delete it since it’s off topic if you want.

I also looked at the ragdoll module. It is good. Thanks for sharing it!:+1:


No problem at all.
My other modules are like yeah… More for my friends and personal use. The instruction u put in the topic was for a round system i made and uhh, i remember it was a saturday night and i was very tired and i wrote that with no motivation at all.

This open source module has no instructions apart from this topic as the module is really obvious.

Glad u liked it :+1:


Set the Camera Subject to the Head when Ragdoll is enabled.


to remove the head bobbing? Alright


how can we get it so when u die u ragdoll


connect the ragdoll() function when the plr dies with humanoid.Died


got of my lazy ahh and actually updated it :+1:


Would 100% recommend this, especially if you are working with R15 as finding that much ragdoll system that works for both R15 and R6 is difficult.


Would you happen to know why this paired with an explosion just instantly kills the player?
(Without the explosion actually doing damage and DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0)

I presume it’s because the blast just catapults the player too fast and de-spawns into the void (even through walls, and even with low blast pressure) but not sure how to prevent that

With no ragdoll the players just gets thrown away a bit and thats it


Explosion as the instance explosion? Maybe try adding the ragdoll after you do the explosion in a small delay.
I think a small delay like task.wait() is enough, else try explaining more what you mean with explosion and what you are expecting. Thanks for using my module.


I tried delay as well before posting, still doesn’t work
And yeah the explosion instance.

The explosion simply uses the Hit event, gets the player char, ragdolls it and then the BlastPressure of the bomb hits the ragdoll and the player dies and the character disappears (probably offscreen and into the void)

Note that the bomb does 0 dmg, so without any ragdoll the player is fine and doesn’t get damaged, just thrown away a bit

I also tried very low amounts of blast pressure and it does the same thing

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So i have a solution (sorry for weird response times).
Assuming you want knockback, why not use particles to mimic a explosion and knocking the player back on the client? The reason (i think) why the ragdoll is doing that is because a explosion destroys ever joint doesnt it? Source: explosion instance


  1. Use a forcefield and delete the force field when explosion is gone or
  2. Use a custom explosion with particle emitters and knock back on client.

I hope this helps!

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Explosion instances have a setting to disable the joint destruction, which was enabled on mine, but I think I’ll just manage with something like you said, thanks for the help :smiley:

ur welcome bro, does my module work fine other than the explosion thing or no?

Works fine, although the head shake when it ragdolls is annoying and I’ve seen it fixed with other ragdoll modules

I fixed the module like 1000x times, did u forget to update?

I’m running the newest one, still happens, wanna take it in DMs to less spam?