In my game, the particles are mainly spawned via :Emit(), however, yesterday, the function seemed to stop working. The only way I can make particles emit is to turn the Enabled property on. Any idea why this may be? The function works in other games and I’m not sure what’s wrong.
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local particleEmitter = script.Parent
local randomNumber = math.random(0, 100)
local possibleStrings = {"apple", "banana", "orange", "grape"}
local randomString = possibleStrings[math.random(1, #possibleStrings)]
local randomBoolean = math.random(0, 1) == 1
local randomColor = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(), math.random(), math.random())
particleEmitter.Rate = randomNumber
particleEmitter.Lifetime = randomNumber
particleEmitter.Texture = randomString
particleEmitter.Color = randomColor
particleEmitter.Enabled = randomBoolean
Something like this you mean ?
just this bit, it doesnt spawn particles.
Why you just don’t set the Enabled to = true ?
because i only want it to be on for a bit
because its explosion particles
make it true wait and make it false a bit ?
yeah but due to server lag that may go haywire
If your server lag is actually that bad, nobody is going to be playing your game.
fair enough, its just that my game is mainly destruction based, in which the server can get choppy
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darned content streaming ruining the emit function
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